examples of companies in perfect competition?


Veteran XV
lookin for examples of big companies that really sell only one "type" of product, such as home depot and lowes. they sell "home improvement". google isnt helping

that might help

Some have suggested that agriculture, with numerous suppliers, and almost perfectly substitutable products, is an approximation to the perfect competition model. This may have been true in some places at certain times, but in modern economies the assertion is hard to prove due to the complex nature of political policies and wealth distribution.

Perhaps the closest thing to a perfectly competitive market would be a large auction of identical goods with all potential buyers and sellers present. By design, a stock exchange closely approximates this, though there is no way to guarantee atomicity (or even approach it). As perfect competition is a theoretical absolute, there are no real-world examples of a perfectly competitive market.

microeconomics was a fun class, if I wasn't a senior and could do it again, I would probably choose econ as my major
yea, thats my bad. i knew perfect competition really doesnt exist, but i thought id throw out the term to mean more like 2 companies who are really competitive. u guys got me there :)

and rezolut, try 4th year..its the start of a project for my financial statement analysis class