I expect to be flamed


I know I said I'll never come back to tribal war, but I really need to vent this somewhere, this morning my mom wakes me up and tells me that our sweet little dog died last night, we did everything we could for her, blood transfusion, kemo pills the works, they're still not sure how or even why she died. The vet was almost certain she would be fine in the morning. Anyways, my mom gets on the phone with the vet and she just starts crying, I'm sitting there holding back my tears to be strong for my mom, to console her. My mom left for work and I was getting ready to go to school, I was in the shower just thinking about my dog, and how much I'm going to miss her, I just broke down right there in the shower and started bawling my eyes out. This seems completely surreal I'm expecting my dog to be upstairs when I go up, but she will not be, I'm holding back tears a s I type this. My dog was in no pain, but at the vet she was supposed to pull through so we agreed to leave her there overnight, my dog died alone, with no one around to pet her and tell her everything will be ok, I know it was peaceful but I wanted so much to be there for her, I never got to say goodbye to her, I miss her so much.

I know I do retardedly stupid things and I apologize for that. This really makes me love everyone whome I do a lot more.
:huh: the great thing about dogs when they die is you can get a new one that will look and act just like the old one :huh:
Precise said:
I know I said I'll never come back to tribal war, but I really need to vent this somewhere, this morning my mom wakes me up and tells me that our sweet little dog died last night, we did everything we could for her, blood transfusion, kemo pills the works, they're still not sure how or even why she died. The vet was almost certain she would be fine in the morning. Anyways, my mom gets on the phone with the vet and she just starts crying, I'm sitting there holding back my tears to be strong for my mom, to console her. My mom left for work and I was getting ready to go to school, I was in the shower just thinking about my dog, and how much I'm going to miss her, I just broke down right there in the shower and started bawling my eyes out. This seems completely surreal I'm expecting my dog to be upstairs when I go up, but she will not be, I'm holding back tears a s I type this. My dog was in no pain, but at the vet she was supposed to pull through so we agreed to leave her there overnight, my dog died alone, with no one around to pet her and tell her everything will be ok, I know it was peaceful but I wanted so much to be there for her, I never got to say goodbye to her, I miss her so much.

I know I do retardedly stupid things and I apologize for that. This really makes me love everyone whome I do a lot more.
It's never too late to rape and mutilate her dead body
The flaming is expected, I just went upstairs to find my brother and my mom both crying, I'm trying to stay strong I just can't do it.
Precise said:
The flaming is expected, I just went upstairs to find my brother and my mom both crying, I'm trying to stay strong I just can't do it.
You can take advantage of their vulnerable situation and get some hot 3-some incest action.