How I changed my apperance.


Well, about 3 months ago, I used to be like every fucking person in my town, a wannabe gangster. Now I'm a white 18 year old male who used to love the underground hip-hop scene now back in this time I realised how fucking dumb that is, I'm white. So what i decided to do is completely change my apperance, I went from a size 36 pant to a fitting 28/30 bootcut. I no longer wear "exco, echo, mecca" clothing I now wear nice button up, shirt or tight hoodies. I went from a XL tee shirt to a plain fitting M tee. I used to wear a detroit redwings hat with the sticker on sideways, now I usually keep my hair pretty short and I wear a billabong beanie. It's actually almost wierd, going from 50 cent to bands like Silverstein, Hawthorn Heights, Panic at the disco, and other bands along that genre. Now heres the kicker, when I dressed and acted like a wigger, I was single, and now that I wear normal clothing and listen to good fucking music, I've had a girlfriend for 3 months who I will be spending the evening with this night at 8:00. Please I encourage you all to stop dressing like a wigger, show respect to people and you will get dates.
People dressing in popular trends or like music groups are fucking loosers who are still trying to find their identity.
Next time I ask someone "can you be more precise?" I'm going to be putting in some pretty fucking heavy qualifications.
It's always been pretty fucking obvious that being white and dressing like a thugged out wigger wasn't the way to go about getting girls.

Also, if you think that this is an isolated trend, go to memphis.
what the fuck

i can't believe you went from one tired "i have no self esteem please somebody like me" trend to another, and you apparently managed to do it for a girl

you're like a 129873 out of 100 on the fuckup scale
Nope, not hacked it's me I really don't care if I'm not liked I just want to hopfully inspire you guys to change yourselfs, and find who you really are so you can be as happy as I am.