Supreme court rules on medical marijuana

Got Haggis?

Veteran XX
they rules regardless of what states say, medical marijuana is illegal, including selling and growing it.

so much for states rights i guess.

it boggles my mind that they won't legalize it for people that really do need it...there are much much much much much worse drugs out there that are legal.
Got Haggis? said:
they rules regardless of what states say, medical marijuana is illegal, including selling and growing it.

so much for states rights i guess.

it boggles my mind that they won't legalize it for people that really do need it...there are much much much much much worse drugs out there that are legal.
To many people abuse the system in California.
It should be 100% legal or 100% illegal. States rights vanished after 9/11 probably before that.
Sick people dont need to smoke weed :lol:

But they need to just legalize it for everyone...
DruMAX said:
Sick people dont need to smoke weed :lol:

But they need to just legalize it for everyone...
Man if your dying of cancer don't you think you should be able to smoke a little weed to ease the pain. Plus it works well for glocoma <sp?>

Edit: When did this verdict come down??
Spiderman said:
To many people abuse the system in California.
It should be 100% legal or 100% illegal. States rights vanished after 9/11 probably before that.
Try the mid-1800s.

This ruling is bullshit, and only encourages further radical abuse of the commerce clause. The USSC is ignoring both sanity and the constitution at this point.
One of my best friends had cancer at the age of 21 (he's fine now) - total non-smoker - hated it - yet it's the only thing that got him through the cancer. It helped ease the pain and EVEN BETTER it helped with the appetite which is very important if you have ever known someone with cancer.

Even if you are a hater of the pots I hope you can see where in cases like this it helps quite a lot.
i don't even smoke it, i just think if it helps people with their pain (cancer patients, ms sufferors, etc) then they should be allowed to , by all means. If people were abusing it, then they need to create strict rules on how one can purchase it.

the ruling came about this morning i believe.
I am for the legalization of marijuana for everyone, not just sick long as cigarettes and booze are legal, it just doesnt makes sense not to.
Dru it's just too hard to control production of Marijuana; I don't ever think they will legalize it as long as the average person could walk into their backyard toss out a handfull of seeds and have 15 plants in 3 months. I don't think you can go into your backyard and toss out a handfull of beer bottles and produce a budlight. I am all for legalization too; but i just don't think it will come anytime soon.