Cliff Bleszinski AKA CliffyB shrine!!!!


Veteran XV


does he reeeeally do any programming tho, or is he maker of design docs, or even... a mask-cot?! that face doesn't look like anymore than 20wpm
MrMeikel said:
does he reeeeally do any programming tho, or is he maker of design docs, or even... a mask-cot?! that face doesn't look like anymore than 20wpm
He worked on the original Unreal, the whole first scene with the lights turning on and off and such was all his. I am pretty sure he does or has done programming in the past.
wtftwtftw just went on his site, he links to a picture in the blog thing called "2005-05-11 | auto updated explosion" of some kid with his hands just freshly blown off, mangled flesh and all :scared:

(Ed: Yes, this is some sort of inflated goop about me. It's for Media Types.)

Cliff “CliffyB” Bleszinski is one of the best known creatives in the video game business. A thirteen year industry veteran, he shipped his first commercial title “Jazz Jackrabbit” before he graduated high school. “Jazz” went on to become a best seller and remains a cult classic amongst gamers.

As Lead Designer at Epic Games, CliffyB has been one of the key visionaries behind the multi-million selling “Unreal” video game franchise. He has been featured in the pages of the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Entertainment Weekly, as well as numerous other mainstream and trade publications. He has been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Men's Journal, on CNN, and is a regular color commentator on G4 aka "videogame TV."

CliffyB is now spearheading an all new universe for next generation video game systems as well as assisting in the growth and expansion of the Unreal Universe.

Q: How old are you?

A: 30. I'm old for this business.