[T:V] Patch Petition


Veteran XX
Here it is

To: Vivendi Universal Games/Irrational Games

The Tribes series has had a long and rich history. From the discovery of skiing, to top 10 OGL matches, various mods, Tribes 2, Tribes 2 patches, T2 Classic (finally), and now Tribes Vengeance. However there are now a few loyal fans of the newest installment of the game. We have been waiting for a patch since December of 2004, it is now March, 11 and there has been no word on said patch.

We love your game, it just needs some fixes. I am sure that a ton of people will come back to it, even buy it if the patch is released. Mod communities have up and left because of the lack of patch, and by not releasing the patch you are literally dismissing thousands of potential buyers.

I/We propose that IG/VUG either give information/timeline on the patch or release it. We don't need the cheat protection, we can catch cheaters by ourselves, the few of us that remain.


The Undersigned

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Now, make a petition to get the old T1 devs together and give them free beer and food while they make an open source T1 with better graphics and I will sign it.
I am sure that a ton of people will come back to it, even buy it if the patch is released.

may have been true a few months ago....now its been so long, they have screwed themselves....no one will come back
I actually played it last night to see how it would run on my new graphics card. To be honest, it is a LOT more fun than I remember.

I propose that we have a T:V pubday or something, something like the CS:S whoring we constantly do. Just take over the remaining 5150 server (not that there's a whole bunch of people to kick out) and have a day of trash talking and jetting. It could be fun.

okay okay, flame on, but it was actually fun last night.
It's fucking ridiculous just how long this patch has taken. What better way to completely spit all over your supporters than to promise a patch and then have them still wondering where it is four months later? Honestly, it is beyond a joke.

The game may have had a slight chance of surviving if the patch had come out when it was initially planned. They've just completely fucked themselves now, as well as all the people who actually bought the frigging game.
If I ever win the lottery or become uber rich, I will make a development studio and we shall recreate T1 with a few tweaks.
I never payed for it cause I won in via tr2 tourny, and I ran over all 4 cd's with my car just last week. The game has the worst netcode/fps issues ever.