G4 is terrible.


Veteran XV
G4 is the worse television ever and Im fucking angry its mixing with TechTV. Everything they fucking say sounds like an ad. The show 'Players'??? What the FUCK is this? I don't give a FLYING FUCK if rapstars play videogames.

Fuck =(
If tribalwar is any indication of techtv viewers disgusted with G4, then I'm guessing Time Warner has been getting a lot of hate mail lately.
I was never really big on G4. I liked pulse, and Arena was good at times. But for the most part, it blows donkey dick. I want my TechTV back dammit.
Im pretty sure all the TechTV shows will eventually go bye-bye.

The Screen Savers? Pat isnt moving to LA, neither is Yoshi, Sarah and Kevin are dubious about moving at best, and Dan sure as hell isnt going to go if Kevin doesnt.

Call for Help got axed because they want to be all about the games and gadgets and to hell with the actual TECH stuff

TechLive is all but gone, so there goes that too.

XPlay? Oh dont expect to see that one much longer, word is that Adam and Morgan arent interested in moving to LA either.

G4 sucks... its BARELY what Id consider watchable. I think the ONLY thing I find cool on the network is the commercials! Now its just filled with Metrosexuals and asshats and ugly chicks. NONE of which do shit for me.
ZacH said:
lol why wont they move to LA? what else are they going to do?

Pat: Has a decent job still writing for various magazines, and he either JUST got married or is getting married soon to a chick who's got a good paying job.

Yoshi: Pretty much same story (sans-girlfriend/fiance')

Leo: He's got a nice ranch in the SF area, why the fuck SHOULD he move? He's also got gigs elsewhere.

Kevin and Sarah are a matched set, so either they both move or they both stay. Dan (foof) is Kevins roomate so I doubt he's going to LA by himself.

Adam & Morgan: No exact reason for staying, I think they dont want to be infected with the hellacious suckage that is G4.

And why the hell would ANYONE want to move from SF to LA? If you are a tech sector type SF is prolly the better place to live (why do you think they were there in the first place?)

Unlike the G4 goombas, the TechTV people have marketable talents, and can therefore prolly find something else to do till G4 and Comcast realise they fucked up big time and decide to rectify it (or not, who knows? :shrug: )
gayest show ever on that channel is 'Cheat' .. so damn stupid how they focus on cheats and 'hints' on one game the entire 30 minutes, and get other people such as football players, rappers, etc. to co-host
GateKeepeR said:
gayest show ever on that channel is 'Cheat' .. so damn stupid how they focus on cheats and 'hints' on one game the entire 30 minutes, and get other people such as football players, rappers, etc. to co-host

The host on 'Cheat' annoys the everliving fuck out of me. They put that fucktard in different costumes depending on what game he's covering? WTF kind of lame shit is that? How soon before they are so fucking desperate for attention they put him in drag or some shit like that?

Somebody drop a lighting rig on him or something, and end OUR suffering.
i do like the 2 guys that review shit though... they are pretty funny and thats the only part that i watch