whats with all you athiest fuckers


Veteran XV
who preach about anti christ and not believeing in this and that and then you go and celebrate christmas. Not that everyone who celebrates Christmas is deep into the christian religion or anything, but the whole holiday is founded on this form of religion which so many people hate, then they go and celebrate it. If you really wanna be hardcore, go separate yourself from the outside world and watch taped reruns of interior motives like the rest of the jahovas witnesses fuckers on christmas.

that is all, thanks
{YDG}Snipes said:
who preach about anti christ and not believeing in this and that and then you go and celebrate christmas. Not that everyone who celebrates Christmas is deep into the christian religion or anything, but the whole holiday is founded on this form of religion which so many people hate, then they go and celebrate it. If you really wanna be hardcore, go separate yourself from the outside world and watch taped reruns of interior motives like the rest of the jahovas witnesses fuckers on christmas.

that is all, thanks
What a faggot.

How about i can do whatever the FUCK i wanna do on christmas, whether i believe in it or not.
Christmas is now an excuse to exchange gifts based on a secular tradition. Any religious aspect that people attach to it is based on non-secular traditions and their own personal beliefs.

While I think Christ bashing is stupid, it's hardly demonic to exchange gifts even if you don't believe in Christianity.
Humans have the ability to change, and things we do change.

So over the years Christmas has become xmas, yes for some it is about god but for many it is just a time to be with friends and family where religion has nothing to do with it.
wow, you are not very well read in different mythologies are you?

there are plenty of 'pagan' beliefs that have a winter festival or solstice besides "christmas".

In the early years of Christianity, Easter was the main holiday; the birth of Jesus was not celebrated. In the fourth century, church officials decided to institute the birth of Jesus as a holiday. Unfortunately, the Bible does not mention date for his birth (a fact Puritans later pointed out in order to deny the legitimacy of the celebration). Although some evidence suggests that his birth may have occurred in the spring (why would shepherds be herding in the middle of winter?), Pope Julius I chose December 25. It is commonly believed that the church chose this date in an effort to adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan Saturnalia festival. First called the Feast of the Nativity, the custom spread to Egypt by 432 and to England by the end of the sixth century. By the end of the eighth century, the celebration of Christmas had spread all the way to Scandinavia. Today, in the Greek and Russian orthodox churches, Christmas is celebrated 13 days after the 25th, which is also referred to as the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. This is the day it is believed that the three wise men finally found Jesus in the manger.

By holding Christmas at the same time as traditional winter solstice festivals, church leaders increased the chances that Christmas would be popularly embraced, but gave up the ability to dictate how it was celebrated. By the Middle Ages, Christianity had, for the most part, replaced pagan religion. On Christmas, believers attended church, then celebrated raucously in a drunken, carnival-like atmosphere similar to today's Mardi Gras. Each year, a beggar or student would be crowned the "lord of misrule" and eager celebrants played the part of his subjects. The poor would go to the houses of the rich and demand their best food and drink. If owners failed to comply, their visitors would most likely terrorize them with mischief. Christmas became the time of year when the upper classes could repay their real or imagined "debt" to society by entertaining less fortunate citizens.
its not that i think that everyone who exchanges presents and gets together with family is christian or has to be, its the people who are totally anti religious and shit that gets me. i dunno, i just felt like sturring up shit on the forums.

btw i got the idea from southpark musical about 5 mins ago