
2 months is a long time in teen years....give her a kiss and the end of a date. No tongue. You should be able to tell how she feels by her reaction.

Then, you have something to build on the next time you go out together.
Man, you guys are fucking ruthless. I am sure there are more than just one guy (him) who have had trouble kissing a girl before. I know I have, recently even. I am 19 and I still have trouble mounting the courage sometimes for various reasons.

Draco, if you want to kiss a girl for the first time ever, it's really all about having the balls to do so. Since you have been going out for a while I am sure that the idea of kissing won't be a problem, you just have to find the right time. Being alone is definitely key. Also, when you first kiss, you might not want to go for the tongue right away... see where she is at first, and then proceed from there.

Relationships are all about knowing what the other person wants. You just have to know what she is going to want. I am pretty sure she wouldn't mind you kissing her, so just mount up some courage and go for it. The worst that could happen is she could say no, and trust me, there will be more and better women later on down the road.
how could you not know how to kiss a girl. i mean seriously...everyone has seen enough tv + movies to know that you just go for it.

i'm shocked by this thread :eek:
Here's a little excerpt from a year ago when I wrote about my relationship with my girlfriend:

We continued to talk in the evening, until this very weekend... Friday night was the most incredible night of our lives. It impacted us both heavily... It was honestly something that you think only happens in movies or dreams, but it really happened to us, and we shared it.

Long story short... As ***** and I laid down on a hill together overlooking the cities across the river in the most romantic situation ever known... I eventually told her for the first time that I love her, and we both shared our first kiss. It was one of the most emotional moments I've ever experienced, and all we could do after was hold each other tightly, almost crying. We both strongly agreed that we'll never, ever forget that night. Words were almost incoherent on the stroll home...

-advisory said:
Dark Draco:

Theres alot of stuff to figure in. For example, has she had her first kiss or is she expierenced? If its her first, I recommend no tongue. Some girls get freaked out by that on a first kiss. If she's experienced / has kissed before, let the kiss build up then use tongue.

My first kiss was at twelve. I'm fifteen now and have gotten it down fairly well. If you plan on just a peck or a short kiss, just do it at school after you walk her to class or whatever. However, if you want a longer kiss, just either a) stare into her eyes, and when she looks at you lean in; or b) when shes in mid sentence, so lean in and kiss her. Its hard to initiate the kiss, but easy to finish it.

Similar story :)

Dark Draco: Just stare into her eyes (goto a movie/chick flick or something, that you dont really need to watch, ie Crossroads/Just Married etc) and just look at her eyes, and at that moment slowly move closer to her and she will (if she wants it) move in too and then its just easy going after that :)

Its not that hard, once your at that bit its kind of easy :)
For half the retards in this thread, I'd like to point out that he's not asking HOW to kiss, but how to INITIATE a kiss. Jesus Christ, EVERYBODY knows how to kiss! Its something you learn as an infant! 4-year-olds kiss! He wants to know how to initate it with someone he likes!

Honestly, I can't tell you that though. My ex-girlfriend kissed me first. Our first date we met at the local amusement park. I was with a youth group of mine (though me and another guy split off from the rest so we could meet her and her friend), she was with one of her best friends at the time. We spent the rest of that night going on rides n' shit. When it was time for us to take off, we held hands for a little bit and talked about how much we enjoyed being together (for the first time. We met on a local BBS, and up until that night had never seen eachother at all). Said our goodbyes, expressed wishes to see eachother again, and in that kind of awkward moment where you don't really know how to leave eachother, me trying my damnedest to decide whether or not to try to kiss her, she reached up and kissed me really quickly.

JoAnna, her friend, says I had a stupid grin on my face. I honestly have no idea, I was just shocked.

Point is, it probably shouldn't be something planned. The best way to do it, in my opinion, is to be spontaneous. If it feels like its the right time, then go for it. Don't try for something long, passionate, and amazing. Just start with a simple kiss. She'll react either by pulling away and letting you know it wasn't the right time (oops!) or by at least looking quite pleased, if not kissing you back.
if you are feeling awkward....kiss her cheek. after that a few can kiss her on the lips.

thats if ur not up to kissing her lips first. shes a huge bitch if she gets mad if u try to kiss her
Hmmmm, surprise her one day when she just gets out of the shower, lay her on the bed, go down on her for a while, and the first kiss should follow right after that.....if she's still breathing! Don't worry about brushing your teeth after goign down on her, see if she likes the taste of the kiss, and if she does, you know you can invite her girlfriends over to join in the fun!
uhh, dark draco, most of these guys are pretty useless so here's my expert knowledge to you (hence the rich"stud" - roffles):

go to your local drug dealer and ask for "Rohypnol (also called flunitrazepam)." it's illegal in the states but it's legal outside the states so it won't be too hard to find. it's pretty cheap, only about $5. it is a white pill, virtually undetectable if you dissolve in her drink.

so get rohypnol and take her out to the park swing or something when no one is around (or even better, in your room). dissolve the pill in her hawaian punch (or sunny d, or whatever the hell you kids drink these days), and watch as she becomes "vulnerable" to your moves. now keep in mind that rohypnol IS additive if taken regularly.

as she's not herself, take advantage and practice. go as far as you want. she won't be able to resist, and you'll be able to get some valuable experience. you can hit it all you want. do this until you're comfortable with your kissing abilities, and now you're set to do this when she is herself. :)

rohypnol will work better if taken with alcohol, but i doubt your gf will take liquor with her juicy juice.

good luck, i expect pics.
terra, your a fucking rapest..

your on the love ladder... there are 3 ladders (friends, love, sex). usually love involves sex, but thats after a long time of kissing and hugs.

After you dump the girl, heard for a girl without the love, just sex. boops, im going to quick for ya.

anyways, get close and quiet. Like a beautiful hill or somewhere where you NEED to get close and have time to plan it out. the first kiss is always the hardest, like they said, just do it.