Replay/Demo Capabilities

well maybe tribes does take more of a strategy when thinking in fps games, but that doesnt mean the others dont. IMO it would highten the skill of teams in general if people werent holding back on demos as much as they do in t1/t2.

You're only halfways by having a good strategy, executing it is the hard part imo.
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Having the ability to see throughout the match would make watching replays fun. Right now, only real reason to watch is if you want to learn cap routes or see the smackdown one team layed on another. Im all for having this type of replay because, as stated, would increase the skill of teams all over.
[meph]DooM! said:
Aren't all other games almost purely aim based though? :eek:

If Arena ever got as big as CTF, I couldn't really see demos being hoarded to save strats.

That may well be the case, but i also used offline examples, which are very strat intensive.. and they don't suffer, but thrive from it. Why has the tribes community been not only trying to re-create the wheel as to govening who sees demos, but also try to push that wheel up hill.