Pics of your config

only color GUI i have all the things setup and when i goto type exec("bitmap.cs"); in console, it says Executing bitmap.cs
Event::Attach: Unknown command.
Any help?
T2-T1 said:
only color GUI i have all the things setup and when i goto type exec("bitmap.cs"); in console, it says Executing bitmap.cs
Event::Attach: Unknown command.
Any help?
Do you have event and events.cs in ur config folder, and if so, bitmap.cs is trying to attach an event that events.cs doesnt support. Of course ull have to point to it. exec("event.cs"); exec("events.cs");
You have to edit the bitmap file first. If you already did you made a mistake. Thats why you get that error. I had the same thing happen to me.
No i dont. You have to edit the lines in the code. It will show where you need to edit it. You just have to change the names a of a few things. Its rather simple.

// Do not worry about this part. Scroll down.
// I've also placed a "Change needed here" beside the lines you need to edit. Only four lines, I think you guys
// can handle it. ;)

function loadPlayGui() {
if(File::FindFirst("play.gui") != "") GuiLoadContentCtrl(MainWindow, "play.gui");
else GuiLoadContentCtrl(MainWindow, "gui\\play.gui");

if($PlayGUI::isLoaded == 0) {
$PlayGUI::isLoaded = 1;

// Hey! VAO! VAO! ;) Alright, start here.

// See that 'IDBMP' line? You can change it to whatever you need. Just keep in mind that you'll need to remember
// it for later use inside of Tribes and if you are making more than one of these, you might want to name
// them accordingly so you don't get confused. ;)

// The second part, that number (00160535), you'll only need to change if you are making more than one of these.
// So if you're in the process of starting your second one, not only will you need to change the IDBMP_namehere
// but also that number.

// And the third is the path for your translucent BMP. It's in my Tribes\config\FSB-SPY folder. Change this to
// suit you.

// After you are all finished with making your HUD, make sure you copy this IDBMP line and add it to your
// autoexec.cs file. Otherwise your HUD will not show up once you restart Tribes.

// Scroll down some more. ;)

IDBMP_SPY_CLOCK = 00160535, "FSB-SPY\\hudbg_blue.bmp"; // Change needed here.

Event::Attach(eventLoadPlayGui, "HudGui::create();");
function HudGui::Create() {

^ code i have
hmmm i got the blue thingy done, but now that im at the step to line it up and make it trans, only like
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the small area represents the shaded blue part