
is there anyway to increase a faction standing w/o doing missions? i need to get my gal fed standing from -5.24 to above -4.9 to to into gallente space w/o being shot by the fucking gallente navy :closet:.
Train Diplomacy.

that's for agents not factions. i think i'm fucked except for a shit ton of ratting or having corp mates do gallente lvl 4s and turning them in as fleet. i tried social, but that's only an increase in standing GAIN, and connections doesn't work for negative standing.
Player character standings towards NPC entities :
A faction rating of -2.0 or below would thus eliminate you from working for any agent from any corporation belonging to that faction.

If your faction standing has dropped below -2.0 and you want to get it back up to get agent work, train the Diplomacy skill.
Another way is also to increase your faction standing, by derived standing bonus when completing important or COSMOS missions but your derived standing bonuses (and penalties), which you acquire by finishing or failing these missions, won't go beyond the derived faction standings of the faction you are working for.
So for example: you are doing an important faction mission for Caldari State and you want to see how far you can increase your Amarr Empire faction standings by completing important Caldari missions. To do this you need to look at the standings information on the Amarr Empire side, usually done by opening the "show info" window for the faction. There you will see that their standing towards Caldari State is 5.00. This means that you will not be able to raise your standing towards the Amarr Empire higher than that by successfully completing important missions for Caldari State.

If it's your corporation or agent standing which has dropped below -2.0, additionally to the Diplomacy skill, you will also have the possibility to complete missions with another player in a fleet, if this player can work for this corporation or agent. (Note that faction standings can't be shared at all this way)

Remember, if any one of your faction, corporation or agent standings drops below -2.0, you may find yourself unable to get work from agents.
