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i tried to dig up shadow(of)death's story but I couldnt find it :(

Your thoughts on the following segment- (good idea CL) by Shadow(of)Death - TribalWar Forums

A beautiful spring day in Northern Vermont; for you whom haven’t had privilege to see this lush plantation of the earth, you are missing out on a choice land where Naturist and Mennonites alike settle to live a slower, less hectic style of life. A traveler for brief moments of time may even feel like they have jumped in a time machine back to the 1800’s, and in many ways it wouldn’t be far from the truth, as little has changed as the rest of society has taken off running. From gravel roads connecting communities to rolling green fields, stone fences, occasionally are broken up by a herd of cows. Soon you are reminded of the true date as the occasional car passes by or a power line obstructs your view. However in the twenty-first century you will seldom find a more pristine place in all the continental United States. The narrator having never been to Alaska or Hawaii cannot speak for the untapped beauty in those lands; nor is it relevant.

With this slower way of life, comes a sight that sadly is all but gone in the greater part of society: THE FAMILY out in the yard playing TOGETHER. This particular family is in their front yard of their Victorian style home, gated in by a picturesque white picket fence. Caitlin, a young woman of pale white skin, light brown hair, some might argue dishwater blond, and green eyes, tall but not to the point where that is the first thing one notices, and slender, but not to that of any extreme of today’s society, is kicking the ball back and forth with her mother and father. Her father is multi-tasking between the ball kicking and attending the grill. As a family they kick the ball back and forth, taking time to enjoy this day of days in the spring where birds are out making the music of spring, butterflies dancing about in the light breeze. Just as one gets caught up in this pristine way of life, one is reminded this is the twenty-first century as stated earlier, and in this time of earth’s history, it takes not long before a modern convenience interrupts.

In this case, while Caitlin is kicking the ball to her mother, the phone interrupts this tranquil moment in time. Caitlin’s mother return kicks the ball, and goes running for the phone. Father turns to flip the steaks. In the haste of mothers return kick, the ball went soaring a tad further than intended, sending the bright red ball over the white picket fence, and Caitlin running to retrieve it. Caitlin focused on the lustrous red ball, jumps the picket fence, the same picket fence that separates her property and the gravel road.

Admittedly, as of this point, the author has failed to mention one of the more frequent modern sights found in Northern Vermont: The Logging Truck, eighteen wheels, three hundred and fifty plus horse power, and a payload of around one hundred logs. With such a beast of a machine, it takes an experienced driver to safely operate one. With experience often comes confidence, often time, over confidence. Joe, behind the wheel of this behemoth is attempting to eat lunch on the road to make better time, a fairly innocent pursuit. Joe on this occasion drops an apple on the floor, sending his attention to the apple rolling around on the floor; distracting him from the young woman less than a safe distance in front of his sixteen-wheeler.

As for Caitlin, she should have remembered the golden rule, listen up younger readers, LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE ROAD! Unfortunately, the time it actually counts, Caitlin fails to do the above. Now for the scenario that took only a few beats of a heart and ticks of a watch to setup, we see come to a shocking conclusion, destroying all hope of restoring tranquility to this family’s day.

Mother returns outside, it was a wrong number. Father closes the grill and places the tongs aside, both parents now turning their attention back towards their daughter. Joe successfully obtains his granny-smith apple and regains full awareness of his vehicle surroundings. Caitlin having the bright red ball in hand quickly becomes aware of the sixteen ton vehicle in her shadow. “Caitlin!” Father screams, with time to do nothing more. Joe now aware of the awful sight before his eyes locks up all sixteen wheels, spinning the wheel away from the small frame that stares up at him like a deer in the headlights. Gravel and dirt shoot up from everywhere, confusing the awful sight, and cloaking the inevitable.