US says Wikileaks could 'threaten national security'

The existence of Vegas should dispel any notions of "knowing". You can say you know all you like, maybe you'll be right, maybe you'll be wrong. Until you put money on it, you're just jaw-jackin'. The fact that you have no money to bet speaks to what you know or don't know.

The money knows.

Bookies had Obama at 95%.
so people got shot during a war?

:drudge siren:
This issue is just a media mis-direct, a false flag op. Everyone knows "shit happens in war" but the media will rouse Conservative anger and direct it at some newly minted Liberal mouthpiece telling us how bad it is that "Achmed got shot by accident."

The real issue is:
“Everywhere there’s a U.S. post, there’s a diplomatic scandal that will be revealed,” Manning wrote. “It’s open diplomacy. World-wide anarchy in CSV format. It’s Climategate with a global scope, and breathtaking depth. It’s beautiful, and horrifying.”

That seemed to be the least interesting information to Manning, however. What seemed to excite him most in his chats was his supposed leaking of the embassy cables. He anticipated returning to the states after his early discharge, and watching from the sidelines as his action bared the secret history of U.S. diplomacy around the world.

Read More U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe | Threat Level |

The only security issue here is job security.
Data, you're fired.
Last edited: saying generally you're an idiot, and 100% of everything that falls out of your skull that resembles a thought has a 50% chance of being right, or a 50% chance of being wrong.

But you or anyone else doesnt know with 100% certainty what a new president is or isnt going to do before he's elected and only an idiot would think that he does.
So what you're saying, is that with a topic as massively complex as politics, one can only be 100% or 100% wrong, there are no in between? Everything is a coin toss!

:rofl: Please keep digging yourself a deeper hole.

p.s. I'm sorry you're too stupid to predict the obvious future from a lying sack of shit like Obama or Bush. As I said many, many times before, we are definitely not all born equal. You just ended up with the short of the stick. Sorry 'bout that.
Captain Obvious indeed.
I used it to point out the absurdity of your statement.
I never said politicians don't lie. I said he was completely full of shit, on almost every single worth-while thing he said. Not speaking literally, honest people can still occasional lie, but he's not an honest person. It was brain-dead obvious to anyone with a brain. Just like Bush. I wasn't even involved in politics when Bush ran the first time. I knew he was full of shit. Every single thing he said.

I fail to see what intelligence has anything to do with someone's ability to distinguish if a politician is lying or not.
How do you determine if someone is lying or not? Enlighten me.
Also, did you stop to consider that maybe Obama wasn't lying, but when he came to be president, certain things which were unknown to him before came to light; such that he couldn't hold some of his promises?
Yeah, trust me, I know you do.

And no, I can't teach you or explain to you how to have something you should've been naturally born with. :shrug: I'm actually sorry (no sarcasm).

All politicans use wiggle wording.
Definitely not all. There are rare exceptions. People are just so stupid and used to the status quo, they shun anyone different, especially the people in charge. Why on Earth would they want anything to change?

As the saying goes "A politician is someone who talks alot without actually saying anything." -- to paraphrase. Ron Paul might be exceptional in that respect, but we would never know until he actually becomes elected. Then you, like many ex-Obama supporters, might turn around and say "I didn't know it would really be like this.
I'm not going to say it's not possible, but I'd strongly wager the other way.

A large majority of the American population are idiots. This is true for any country.
Yippee, we finally agree on something. An added note: The majority of people also don't think they're idiots, as seen even here on TW.

Just like a large majority of the people, or rather a large majority of black people who voted for Obama did it cause he was black, a large majority of Palin supporters who were soccer moms or feminists voted for McCain cause she was part of his campaign.
Also, alot of people voted for McCain cause they didn't want a black man as president.
I'm sure you can imagine the bible belt rednecks not wanting to vote for a "nigger".
I'm sure some racists didn't vote for Obama strictly because he's black, but the vast majority aren't racist, rather, to that extent. most people vote along party lines anyway.

However, I hope you're not suggesting that the percentage of blacks (95%) that voted for Obama because he's black, the white racists voted for McCain along the same percentages. Blacks are infinitely more racist than whites. If that was the case, McCain would've had far more white votes.

To say that a large majority who voted for Obama lack the ability to tell what he was lying, about whatever, are idiots is illogical. Especially concerning the number of idiots who voted for McCain. If elected for, I'm sure he would have not done some of the things he said.
It's not illogical. They're both idiots. One is a complete phony, and the other is Bush-lite. Anyone who supported either one of these idiots during the campaigns or elections, is an idiot. There's no wiggle-room on that statement.

It is what they wanted and it is what he promised.
How would they know without voting him in?
You say you know, but you really don't.
When I was young, I had an argument with my mother. I said someone (either Bush or Clinton) was gonna win the election. When said person won, I said "I told you so, I knew it".
She told me I didn't.
A few months later, we were with friends and I told them about this.
One guy said "But how could you really know?". It immediately sunk in that I hadn't actually known, since that was obviously impossible.
I was like 12 at the time.
Uh, that's a ridiculously terribly analogy. You're grossly simplifying the argument.

There is no way for anyone to tell if someone is lying unless what they are saying is outragous.
I can't either (strictly speaking from some sort of idiotic mind-reading perspective), but if they are saying the exact same things as the last couple (terrible) Presidents that were all lying sacks of shit, then I know they're lying too, especially if they're using wiggle-wording and not standing for what's just or right. It should be noted however, that I'm using the term "lying" a lot. I'm not just saying that he said one thing and did another, but just his overall lack of good decisions, although ironically, I was expecting him to make good ones. For example, I was expecting a complete flop on the "healthcare reform" bill, with no public option (although it would've failed too), etc. I knew it would end up just like the bullshit mandatory car insurance laws. It only really helps the insurance companies. The people always get fucked. We (not me) keep electing the same corrupt, lying sacks of shit that don't vote with our best interests in mind.
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