Star Trek: Discovery & Orville Trailers

hhhwill hhhwheaton was an occasional badguy on Dark Matter

until it got cancelled recently

which is a shame cuz it was a great show imo
i liked dark matter a lot. was really bummed to hear that they jewed it. show ends on a huge cliffhanger too
i didn't like this episode very much

the premise was too far fetched and didn't fit into space sci fi

it had more of a twilight zone vibe to it

stick to spaceships
i didn't like this episode very much

the premise was too far fetched and didn't fit into space sci fi

it had more of a twilight zone vibe to it

stick to spaceships
The Twilight Zone is essentially sci-fi lite, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that it overlaps with Star Trek/The Orville a bit. And Star Trek is after all the grandfather of the Planet of Hats trope...

Anyhow, I really liked it. It's the shows most philosophical episode yet. And doing Planet Reddit is a neat way to look at direct democracy through the lens of modern communications and social networks. There's a good half-dozen different allegories there; everything from social media network voting to fact vs. option to the fact that John was saved by a bot spreading misinformation.
Yeah, it felt like I was watching an episode of Sliders.

I like Orville. Do I like Discovery? Not as a Trek show. It could have been a new sci-fi franchise and probably would have been better received.
it was beyond fucking retarded that Michael was the only person the gay dude could convince of the loop considering he comes up with the brilliant idea of "tell me something you've never told anyone so next time you'll know what i'm saying is the truth" - that logic wouldn't work on the captain (the very person who decides to beam the whale onto the ship)?

The writing is terrible. If they hadn't forced themselves into the narrative that the black chick is central to everyone else, the story and characters could develop more naturally. That 1 woman who was like "nah, fuck you' towards Burnham got mauled to death minutes later.
So the entire crew of Discovery took a knee to make a political statement in support of overpaid premadonna's in the NFL and draw attention to themselves. Now Anthony Rapp has decided that after 30 years, with the spotlight on himself for his role as the gay ships Engineer who is in love with the ships gay Doctor, Anthony thinks now is a perfect time to destroy Kevin Spacey with an unsubstantiated claim that he made a homosexual pass at a 14 year old Anthony.