[Official] GoT S5 Thread

wtf Selmy is supposedly to be the best swordsman in the book........noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. actually i never actually gave a shit about him until now.
this show still isn't vry good

at least they're keeping dany as incompetent and crazy as martin has her in the books. i'm not convinced that either hbo or martin made her retarded on purpose, but her handicap is apparent to anyone who isn't in love with her
If he isn't dead he is going to be handicapped for at least a while. He certainly took out a bunch of dudes. I an glad I didn't watch the leaked episodes. I would have been pissed waiting this long to see what happens next week.
i'm actually liking the show more than the books right now. The Jaime/Bronn story is pretty fun. Sansa is a much more interesting character, we found out how Shireen got the grey scale. And shit is actually happening with Dany's story line
^ :lol: the unsullied being out of their element as some sort of police force im okay with

but barristan fucking selmy eats pieces of shit like that for breakfast
Unsullied are trained for formation assaults, not for policing alleyways. Even still, the 7 of them took out a good 30 harpies. The promo for next week makes it look like Selmy's dead, but if they were going to do that they might as well have done the throat slit instead of having Grey Worm save him. Still, they could easily combine Selmy and Jorah's plot going forward.

ah fuck. that makes too much sense. guess it bypasses all that slavery bullshit they slug through...
unless this is some express plot device to have dany need jorah's employ again.

Jorah: I've brought this dwarf, plz have sex with me now since you only have 1 lieutenant left.
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I'm going out on a limb that neither characters are actually dead, just out of commission for a while. I don't care one way or the other, just placing my bets.
why are we not talking about the biggest reveal in GoT history?
why are we not talking about the biggest reveal in GoT history?

why are we not talking about the biggest reveal in GoT history?

yea selmy going out to a bunch of thugs made no fucking sense
and the speared up unsullied also had shields and swords

i'm just saying 90% of them went out like bitches, when they all should have killed as many as gray worm did
Yeah, I was the perfect opportunity to show Selmy is an ultimate badass and they kind of ruined it.