You can dance if you want to


Veteran XX

I am sure you thought there was going to be a happy, little youtube link to the Safety Dance vid in here. Like some fucked up Bob Ross show.


How about a nice kick in the cunt instead?

You can't fucking dance. And even if you did want to you would probably drop dead from a coronary.

If you hate dancing so much, go dance somewhere else. Go back to where you used to dance and dance there.

I am talking dance fighting...

Watch me front -
You know, I like Triple. He was practically raised here. I think his brain fried over the political threads. Hopefully he returns older, wiser, pearier, with a more open and sound mind.
he wasn't a bad guy
realllllllly dumb, but not a bad guy
had I not mouthed off to sarcastick @ uva5, people would remember him being told "seats taken" forrest gump style everywhere he tried 2 sit lol