This guy gets more pussy than you.

I can't stop giggling about the ridiculousness of a keyboard mounted on an unstable surface, bouncing and swaying all around.

Not quite original...
it sounds pretty good but man they have fucking no energy, i'd be kind of disappointed going to that show.

well, i got their concert a while back...never heard of them nor do i listen to metal music...but i guess everything sounds/looks good in HD. I enjoyed the concert... (on a 50" Plasma with 5.1 surround)
I listened to the whole thing.

Number one... what the fuck is the deal with the tweaking dude in the whole second half of the video?

Number two... I listen to a lot of music. I seriously consider myself to have a VERY good taste in music (doesn't everyone?) and this shit is seriously shitty. No offense to the OP or anything. But seriously... this shit is so fucking lame.

How does anyone listen to this shit seriously? If this guy gets more tail then ANYBODY... I'd be surprised.

Sorry, shit-taste having OP. Get a girlfriend dude.
i dug this one.

and yea - i was thinking linkin park the entire time.

thats the thing though, everyone saying he sounds like linkin park or korn should look at the release dates on his albums... if anything they got their sounds from him.