How much for a truegold transmute?

I saw one for 150g on tich a week ago. First spam I started seeing (few days after cata came out, as I was leveling in other zones and never went to Org) was for about 800g for just the xmute alone.

I also saw WTB Xmute for Truegold last night for 50g.
Yea seems dumb that it would be less than the profit one would make buying materials and transmuting them yourself. Only way I would sell it for 50g would be if I keep any procs.
I sell my "transmute" for 150g. They give me mats, I give them a bar. I'm Xmute specced though, so I just xmute it later and keep all the procs for $$$$.
100 to 150g usually. Yeah don't say I keep the proc or they don't like it. Just give them a bar like he said.