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Got bant lol

There is a reason as to why Africans aren't as smart as Whites or Asians, this is because Africa has no seasons, because Africa lacks major seasonal change, Africans did not have to develop long term planning skills for winter. Africans also lived in very primitive conditions, causing them to live more primitive lives. Because of this, they did not form very complex nations, philosophy, politics etc... This is the leading cause as to why Africans have a smaller Pre-frontal cortex, it is because they did not need to use it, and therefor, over time, it shrunk, leaving Africans to be permanently primitive and stupid.

This shrinking of the Pre-frontal cortex also explains why Africa has so many natural resources, yet African nations are so poor, it's because Africans, throughout their whole history lived in primitive conditions, and therefor did not develop mining or thought of any precious metals or minerals as valuable.
arc said all you do is post super racist copy pasta 4chan shit and make no attempt to even be funny at all with your shtick

stop doing that shit maybe?

Down with the discord admins
it is funny how arc didnt mind you posting dicks all day but the minute you got racist he banned you.. i guess we know where arc stands on homosexuality.
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