Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2

I will wrap you in your quilt you cunt.


Sent from my Samsung S6 Active using Tapatalk
I sustained a larping injury. I don't need to tell you how dangerous that pastime is.


Redmund, note the s7 edge there. Maybe now you can stop bragging "sent from my s6 awesome phone using awesome tappingtalk" in every post you make.
I can get any phone I want. When I want. Now you know.

Sent from my Samsung S6 Active using Tapatalk
They have made no effort to contact me. Thus they are not my concern. Child Support is current. I'm loving life grilling pork ribs here at our cabin.

Life is good on this side.

Sent from my Samsung S6 Active using Tapatalk
you going to use that gun just before the final pains begin as your system shuts down?

probably should have gotten a shorter barrel
Except in Michigan I can own a firearm. I can also vote. Matter of fact I bought that gun from a retired police officer you dumbass.

Tehvul ruins everything

I was posting pics in this pic thread. What is it that you were doing? Oh that's right you are complaining. I tell you and the other turd what. Imma split and come back after your mom makes you go to bed. Laters..
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