New New GIF (animated) Thread

Been around awhile now. Buddies cousin was a QB for the Chicago team. Don't remember the name because that's how good it is.



Where can I go to see something like that? I mean besides driving off into the sunset until I run out of gas...

Yes. Well, I don't know. Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out, and then it was nice. It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou. There was always a million sparkles on the water... like that mountain lake. It was so clear, Jenny, it looked like there were two skies one on top of the other. And then in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began. It's so beautiful.
Where can I go to see something like that? I mean besides driving off into the sunset until I run out of gas...

You can see that almost anywhere it is dark. Wait for there to be no moon and go to a place without much direct light pollution. You can't miss seeing the thick part of the Milky Way. That pic has the benefit of time exposure to capture that much light so you won't see it that bright but the disk will clearly stand out.
Hey buize

Da Vinci surgery system uses miniature instruments to allow doctors to work in small spaces inside patients' bodies. Video shows that the robot can perform complicated maneuvers such as tying a knot as it sutures a detached bit of grape back on its host. Surgeons work at remote console with devices that mimic regular hand movements while watching 3D camera display.



That reminds me. Did you guys ever watch the surgery channel or whatever the fuck it was in the 90s?

I assumed shit like open heart surgery was a delicate operation, much like those gifs. Nice and steady, nice and careful.

Nope. Always looked like a redneck trying to fix a carburetor with a knife and hammer.
Where can I go to see something like that? I mean besides driving off into the sunset until I run out of gas...

i saw the sky like that a while back. we were lucky enough to get a crystal clear beach night 50 miles down the padre island national seashore. it's amazing what stupid concrete jungle cities destroy of the night sky.
That reminds me. Did you guys ever watch the surgery channel or whatever the fuck it was in the 90s?

I assumed shit like open heart surgery was a delicate operation, much like those gifs. Nice and steady, nice and careful.

Nope. Always looked like a redneck trying to fix a carburetor with a knife and hammer.

That's the tools everyone uses to fix carburetors.
That reminds me. Did you guys ever watch the surgery channel or whatever the fuck it was in the 90s?

I assumed shit like open heart surgery was a delicate operation, much like those gifs. Nice and steady, nice and careful.

Nope. Always looked like a redneck trying to fix a carburetor with a knife and hammer.

We are just flesh machines, after all.
That reminds me. Did you guys ever watch the surgery channel or whatever the fuck it was in the 90s?

I assumed shit like open heart surgery was a delicate operation, much like those gifs. Nice and steady, nice and careful.

Nope. Always looked like a redneck trying to fix a carburetor with a knife and hammer.
I remember watching a hip replacement surgery on there once. First, they sawed off the top of the femur with a bone saw (which sounded just like what you would think) and replaced it with an artificial ball joint which was screwed into the bone. Then, they took what looked like a cheese grater and ground down the hip socket and hammered in the replacement receptable, secured it with more screws, then put everything back together. All this on an 80 year-old woman who was up and walking the next day.