Have ya ever met a happy atheist?

What did Jesus say when he overturned the moneychangers tables and push the rabble out of the temple.

Atheists be trippin’.

people always say that isn't very Christ like of me


and I remind them but it could be
You said that trying to demonstrate your sense of god to me is equivalent to trying to demonstrate the sense of green to a colorblind person. I presented you with a way of giving a colorblind person good reason to believe that green exists. So, what's the equivalent way of giving me a good reason to believe that god exists?

And just to make sure you don't misunderstand, let me remind you that:

I'm not asking you to demonstrate god to me directly. But can you use your sense of god/spirituality/whatever in such a way that I can expect to see different results depending on whether or not your sense is accurate, even without a sense of my own?
We went down that road already about four times.

Every time your answer has been "But it's not science, that's personal experience."

To which I said something equivalent to "Duh?"

There's only so many times I'm gonna run around that tree.
We never went down the road where you actually give me an experiment though, so that would be a refreshing change.
Because, for the five thousandth time, it's not science, and you can't apply science to intangible things.

Talking to people like you is like talking to an NPC.