emjay is king

ya but we just want model to be removed, just like cg_drawgun 0 in quaker.
would b nice because just check how nice it is when u throw away gun and ski around without!

$mj::itemtrans = 0;

will hide your mounted weapon (and flag, and pack). there will be a filtermask coming some day ..
rehosted @ my site so i dont steal ur bandwidths :p


$mj::skyrotationspeed = 0.1; by default

but i like it around 0.005 or slower :)

:heart: :sunny: thanks again brother

i know its a silly little thing but i had a lot more fun learning HOW you did it (and seeing how your code is different from nofix/andrew)

i love that there's so many different ways to accomplish the same end result

Where do I place the $mj::skyrotationspeed = 0.1? Is this supposed to be in a .acs.cs file named skyrotation.acs.cs?

Again, thanks for this!! All the ways you people keep making this old game looking awesome!

changed $mj::skyrotationspeed to integer, can be negative too, default value is 50

update ticks are something like this:
rot = featurePosition + ($mj::skyrotationspeed * 0.01) * ((timenow - timelastupdate) * 0.001)

should fix the speeding issue but I didn't test much and only in single player
king bump for fix stupid sh grayscale


so anyway to apply this to player models? I wanna disable the entire transparency function of newly deployed objects and models.