Any one interested?

I just researched axes so I can try to start taking on some of the neighbors, but have 40 spears and 10 swords and a paladin right this second.
ZzZzz waiting for resources to bolster my troop numbers but yeah pally in 3 hours, faggot 5 spear d is balls.. clock watching GO
Currently have 50 spear, 20 sword, 25 axe and a paladin. This morning I lost 30 spear, 7 sword, 5 axe and a paladin attacking my neighbor, but I won, killing 48 spearmen and a paladin. The dude is now my bitch.
i owned k53, we had an awesome group there though minus triple who had 6 villages while we all had hundreds

good times

Good times. I quit well before 100 villages though. I think I gave them to you, groundzero and DVADER??

Was fun while it lasted but damn did my gf hate that site.
There are a few neighbors around me who I noticed have been inactive that I started adding into my farm and the village right next to mine got kicked out of guild (assuming inactive) so he's about to get pilfered as well.

Things are just now starting to pick up in my village.
make sure you guys send out lots of fake attacks. Sometimes you'll get people who rage and send you messages then quit. It's very lawl worthy
Ah, the memories. Clock watching on an epic scale. :lol:

haven't gotten anything yet, but i'm updating as much as possible. hopefully i'll get some cool shit soon.

we need more peeps to join
W46 let's get rid of this cancer before it spreads.

I recently found out that this tribe FPWN goes by the internet handle Anonymous. They frequent a website called 4chan that promotes disgusting and unholy things like child pornography, animal abuse, and racism. Their only goal on this world is to ruin it by amassing their legion of dimwitted followers.

If you, like me, have children that play this game, I implore you to monitor and protect them closely when they are on this site. Several of their members have already sent emails to my son containing foul language and crude pictures.

My only hope as a God warrior is that we can stamp out this evil, just like in the good book.

You have been warned.

- Concerned parent
I named my village Desert of Death and the guy above me named his village Scarily named village. I believe he is mocking me. Im hoping to have ponies by tomorrow.
i think we really need more people to join for us to have a chance of doing anything significant, but it should be fun to see how it unfolds
33 players isn't that bad I guess. It would be nice to have 100. I feel like 100 TWers could take on some of these ~500 member tribes pretty easily.
This game still brings the funny.

Originally Posted by FapaFap View Post
I understand and relate to your concern, Heffeweisen. Since joining w46 this morning, I've seen the sudden growth of this tribe as well, and am watching to see what happens. Like others have just said, disregard may be the best solution, but we'll have to see. I am confident in knowing that, as any experienced player can tell you, we're no strangers to these sorts of tribes. But, luckily, when it comes to our allies, we're no strangers to love either. You know the rules, and so do I, and we know that we have always outlasted these types.

Honestly, a full commitment's what I'm thinking of, Heffeweisen; like you said, just commit, and be done with it. Judging from some of the other TW players' reactions, I think it's safe to say that you wouldn't get this from any other guy, but we're getting there. It's a lot to think about with the upstart of w46 and all, but I just want to tell you how I'm feeling.

Gotta make you understand that despite the concerns, as an honest TW player, I speak for everyone in saying that I'm never gonna give you up in the battle against these sort of dissident players and I'm certainly never gonna let you down. Our villages are a bit far apart, but we can still coordinate efforts because I'm never gonna run around and desert you. I have enough game experience that I can truly say I'm never gonna make you cry; I'm commited to w46 for the long haul -- never gonna say goodbye. I'm with you brother, an honest pact that I'm never gonna tell a lie and hurt you, that we can make a stand. Let's do this Heffeweisen.
i think we really need more people to join for us to have a chance of doing anything significant, but it should be fun to see how it unfolds

if you want to play a game with TW where we actually have potential to do something because of numbers, come play Grepolis with us
I don't think anything could really top the TW domination that occurred on one world server some time ago. You nerds got so competitive and so coordinated you planned to take over the world and VAB-quit. And you did, memory serves you were fighting the next largest tribe in the game and they eventually cried/quit. Or did they have admin cheaters assistance?
Need two invites, me and jyue(gameriish or some gay shit on TW).

Wufei74's village(370|321) K33
310|381 jYue

thanks fellas