[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

You can teach someone to use a microwave. It's harder to keep them from shitting on the sidewalk.
Related to below... ya watch it frenchys - you do need the immigrants to raise your iq... how did you let this happen to your country. ok ok just kidding and being TW... can't i rant here and not be taken too seriously
but the talking cat is truthful; if she slips into conjecture she'll tell ya, unlike (((real))) news
Talking Kitty is on the RIGHT side of Canada, because
I can actually smell truth; I don't even have to read or listen to it.
everyone i know and trust is in the correct bubble of perfume

i mean i feel like the talking cat has a good point

but she is a talking cat

how do i believe in cartoon animals when CNN is the MOST TRUSTED NAME IN NEWS

i mean obviously this cat is a RUSSIAN BLUE

might as well be pet of Kremlin himself imo

did u kno the talking cat is canadian

i know what Canadians sound like and look like

and I'm just not sure if i can trust that or not

what if they are really just sneaky Russian?

i mean if they are not mega transnational corp sponsored i don't have time for them

if they aint sponsored by boeing i aint going.

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lol yeah, I get 10 applicants a week with Masters degrees in Engineering from the Uni of Bombay. The others are all Doctors and Lawyers who need to work in a factory b/c "Australia wont recognise our qualifications, which are better actually than Australian ones"

Most of them could barely operate a microwave or tie their shoes, but that is probably racist b/c they didn't grow up with microwaves and shoes in bananaelephantwash village.

Going through that at the moment, with all our operations being outsourced to India. Guys with mid-level cisco certs that can't ping.

oooooh, that's gonna be fun.
Have you actually done ANY research on why people believe "pizzagate" or preferably pedogate is real? Or did you just listen to MSM tell you it's all fake and believe them? I'm telling you, if you actually look at the things that have been found over the past year or two with an open mind and dive in to that rabbit hole, you will soon be a believer.

nice - i'm pretty sure there's a crazy NY church like in end of days too. we're just waiting for the right baby.
Why I Am Leaving the F.B.I. - The New York Times


So they're corrupt and soft. The swamp is draining itself

U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan deleted a tweet on Saturday cheering a $1.50 increase to a Pennsylvania school secretary's weekly pay because of a $1.5 trillion tax cut after it drew criticism that he was out of touch with ordinary Americans.

"A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week ... she said [that] will more than cover her Costco membership for the year," Ryan tweeted.

Send this goof to the unemployment line by supporting his electoral competition Paul Nehlen a rare federale candidate who would put Israel second and America first. :flag:
so the fbi is anti-trump


lets review october 16

the fbi in october 2016 had an active investigation into the trump campaign and trump advisers for ties to russia

the fbi also had decided to reopen the clinton investigation into her emails because of huma's laptop

in the case of trump, they kept quiet, we didn't know about this at all

in the case of clinton, they held a fucking press conference days before the election

can anyone explain why an anti-trump fbi would do this

was the plan to let trump get elected and then try to indict him while he's president and untouchable

seems like a shitty plan is all I'm saying

or maybe trump is lying :shrug:
so the fbi is anti-trump


lets review october 16

the fbi in october 2016 had an active investigation into the trump campaign and trump advisers for ties to russia

the fbi also had decided to reopen the clinton investigation into her emails because of huma's laptop

in the case of trump, they kept quiet, we didn't know about this at all

in the case of clinton, they held a fucking press conference days before the election

can anyone explain why an anti-trump fbi would do this

was the plan to let trump get elected and then try to indict him while he's president and untouchable

seems like a shitty plan is all I'm saying

or maybe trump is lying :shrug:

I don't specifically know why Comey decided to make the laptop investigation public - probably because Chaffetz would have been pissed otherwise, or maybe Bharara would have made it public. (Were the found emails already at that point? not sure)

But I can tell you for sure why the trump investigation wasn't public - TOPSECRET // NOFORN
so the fbi is anti-trump

the fbi also had decided to reopen the clinton investigation into her emails because of huma's laptop

in the case of trump, they kept quiet, we didn't know about this at all

in the case of clinton, they held a fucking press conference days before the election

can anyone explain why an anti-trump fbi would do this

or maybe trump is lying :shrug:

nypd found the emails on huma/weiner laptop comey had to reopen the email investigation

to gain jurisdiction to secure the emails for the fbi who shortly after

claimed yet again no laws were broken etc
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I have a theory

DT is attacking the credibility of the FBI and DOJ because they're currently investigating him

He thinks attacking them will make the criminal investigation go away

Better yet, he could use this narrative as an excuse to fire people that are in the way of getting rid of this investigation

that just seems more likely? idk

this theory also has the benefit of making total logical sense :shrug:
Vast left-wing conspiracy :ftard:

while an ultra left fucktard like you wont ever change your mind, here's an opportunity to remind people what a nutjob you really are:

IRS Scandal Ends As It Began With An Apology

Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch airport meeting raises Hillary flap - NY Daily News

haha, chew on that

no need to go any further about rigging their own primaries or or destroying evidence / deleting emails or the memo detailing the execs at the DOJ and FBI complicit in a fake dossier -it's a shame that the people under them are trying to do a good job and their rep is tarnished because of it

suck it :)