the cheating chronicles vol 125161

rtcll y u keep attacking me man. do you go around telling ppl they have mental issues? you did it with dare no more than a week ago and now you are doing the same thing 2 me
lol @ tribe veteroobz makin antihax n den bypassin dey antihax so dey can topple king mun :lol: :king:
not gon happen.. no matta how hard u fukkin try ROFL :king:
do you understand the definition of passive aggressive damaster? because me pointing out that you don't play the game is not passive aggressive.

can someone post all of damaster's responses to fire please rofl

who is damaster??
i mean u said you and 6 ppl were participants of bugs'es lecture class so does that mean all of you were in because you wanted to hack and expand your views on it? and sharing info to only few selected ppl and not whole community is rather circle-jerkish, owuk what isn't in this community.

i have a demo of the entire thing bugs was saying
rtcll someone was talking about a shifter guy or something beating u in duel awhile back and u were whining to him or something do you recall this?
dont implicate me in this im like one of the few shifter people that plays this game and i have no idea who that person is this was not me that told izza this