You raff yuo roose v.3871

great now i have to worry about cripples like supertrap running over my kids or dog on the sidewalk in their stupid golf carts
My name is Dr. King, and you know what I hate more than anything ever invented by mankind? Apple seeds. They have always been the bane of my miserable existence. God damn, piece of shit apple seeds. Never whole apples, or maybe even sliced apples. Just the seeds, going everywhere I go and ruining all my plans. Finally get a chance to test a big SCP? Apple seeds. Working in my office? Seeds in the drawers. No matter where I go, apple seeds.

But I'm going to change all that. For the past six weeks, I have locked myself alone in my office. The apple seeds have been slowly filling it up, and they're up to my neck now. Tonight is the night I let those demon seeds win. Those hell-spawned capsules of hatred have finally broken me, because I cannot deal with one more goddamn apple seed.

I hope they don't have apples in hell.

Dr. King groaned, as he was prone to do when waking up, and scrunched his eyes. Was he dead? Was this… after? Didn't feel very after. In fact, his face felt like it was resting upon a familiarly textured surface.

Apple seeds.

Dr. King's legs scrambled for ground as he sprung from a prone state, sending apple seeds scattering across the seedy ground.

Absolute despair and anguish washed over him in waves, sending him tumbling back to the seeded earth. "No! Fuck! It's not supposed to- goddammit why won't you leave me?"

Preoccupied as he was with lament and despair, Dr. King failed to notice the celestial figure approaching him from on high. It was an apple, a whole one, with leaves as green as the sea and a shimmer surpassed by none. It had one sticker, affixed to a side, which shone a golden "A" shimmering across the landscape.

"Rise, King."

Dr. King flipping around, and his jaw would have dropped had it not already been hanging agape, swinging like a pinata in the wind. "You… but…"

"MY SON… YOUR FINAL TIME HAS COME," boomed the giant flying apple.

Dr. King blinked. "My time? What… the hell are you talking about?"

A shimmer of bright red liberated itself from the apple and spread over the land, blasting everything that had once subscribed to other colors on the spectrum into a brilliant, vibrant red.


"… What."

Suddenly, King's mind was filled with images. He was riding an apple chariot into Site-19, and all the senior staff were apples. They bowed down to him, and readied the apple throne for him to sit in. Panning out, the site was apples. Slices made up every wall, and the head of every researcher was replaced with rotund, healthy apples. There was no danger, because skips were apples.

The whole world was apple.


King was already gone. "NO! I am not going to be the king of the FUCKING APPLES."


King turned to the floating apple which called itself his father. His face was even redder than the world that surrounded him. "FUCK DESTINY."

And then, Dr. King was apples no more.

How's he holding up, doc?

Well, we've recovered about 765 apple seeds from his trachea, in addition to the couple thousand we got from the rest of his orifices.

Are they still cleaning out his office?

Yeah, we'll be digging seeds out of there for a month. Poor guy.

Man, he looked so pissed when they brought him in there… but now, heck, he looks happier than I've seen in awhile.

Makes you wonder what he's thinking, doesn't it?

Whatever it is, at least it's making him happy…
Long Live The King - SCP Foundation

While the plane was boarding, the woman notified airline staff of her allergy after noticing two dogs on the plane, one a pet and another a service animal, Fox5 reports.

According to airline officials, the woman asked for the animals to be removed and that she needed to stay on the plane because her father was having surgery. However the airline said the woman was unable to provide the necessary documentation to prove her allergy.
Southwest Airlines passenger dragged off plane after claiming to have life-threatening pet allergy | Fox News

fuck you cunt

that's what u hyundai owners get 4 hating all aspects of motoring and choosing 2 lock urselves in an aluminum tube w/ a bunch of senile, nasty, dessicated holdovers from the 1970s flight crews who obviously weren't even good looking 50 years ago, when they were only 5432 years old, b/c they still haven't managed 2 sleep their way out of camping out jobs that ought 2 have by now been filled by ppl from as many as 3 generations younger than them

anyway, i just want 2 say:

fuck the baby boomers, and to hell with their crypt keeper, ugly ass, never-been-attractive-never-been-married stewardesses who won't get off my plane and out of my eyesight so that i won't be triggered by their advanced age and the various flavors of hideousness associated with advanced age, boomer culture, etc.

idk wat this has 2 do w/ armed thugs hauling a whiny bitch off a plane, but it feels so good

~god bless the internet~ ~god bless tribalwar~