!!This week!!

actually, in spite of all that has happened with the patch....i think guy is a good..welll..guy.....yeah he shouldn't have announced the patch until it was 100% for sure going to be released...but whatever, i guess its out of his hands now
BFGanksta said:
That would be hilarious if they delayed the word on the delayed word on the delayed patch.

would be? hilarity ensues.

pacha... you have to laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation, at least. geez don't go getting all stone-faced \m/
No more than a 'week' from Feb 14th. Every drop of blood squeezed from the rock means Feb 21st. Weekends count too, I suppose, even if they don't work on em.
F [a] C E said:
would be? hilarity ensues.

pacha... you have to laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation, at least. geez don't go getting all stone-faced \m/

the only thought that makes me laugh are vivendi games execs choking on frog leg soup.

hehe. frog leg soup...
AOakley (Moderator) - 01:04pm Feb 18, 2005 PST (#113 of 117) New! Reply
It's the bottom of the ninth, bases are loaded, You're up!

"Ned posted - 06:58pm Feb 14, 2005 PST"

"Guy Welch will be commenting on this soon. How soon is "soon"? No more than a week. It may seem like a long time for a response but at least there is a timeframe now."

Have a little patience, as you can see Ned told you in a week or less - if you notice that date of that post you will see that a week has not yet passed.

I don't expect to hear anything furthur until after Guy's return from vacation on Monday.

I agree that's it's been a long week, personally it feels more like 2 weeks have passed but indeed they haven't. :(

Go out and enjoy the weekend! :assault:


what a clusterfuck
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