I'm tired. I need a rest.

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Thanks for all the time and effort that you've put into this, Thrax. It really is appreciated, and I hope the replies in this thread will suffice for making you realise just how much the community approves of your work.

Incidentally, what's up with Sierra these days? Is it (as an actual organisation) basically a handful of people like yourself lingering on with extended contracts? :(
Thriky said:
what's up with Sierra these days? Is it (as an actual organisation) basically a handful of people like yourself lingering on with extended contracts? :(
As of Monday there will be an operations person, and two IT people here from Sierra. There are a few (6) VU people here who will be moving to a new office soon. On Friday Marcus and I will be the last development people out the door. It's quite empty and depressing.
<3 Thrax, thanks for all you've done for Tribes. Hope things work out for the best for ya.

(Had to go ask Google who Luc Vanhal was.)
thanks for all your time, effort and input, you will be missed, <3
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