Stranger things 3

Some of you ST3 lovers are going to have to explain the Never Ending Story scene and how it helped the story.

Forced saccharin nostalgia inserted in to make something to happen to a character? And introduce a new character no less.

Ya, I'm being vague for spoilers.

This season is propped up by Twitter fandom as much as nostalgia. It like if they say something bad they'll become Mitch.

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this reminds me of how angsty you got over people being critical of the matrix sequels.

Your memory sucks.

Also, I'm not the one complaining about an 8-episode TV show. Praising something, or suggesting it's maybe not as bad as you think, is the opposite of angst, boy.
Your memory sucks.

Also, I'm not the one complaining about an 8-episode TV show. Praising something, or suggesting it's maybe not as bad as you think, is the opposite of angst, boy.
angst noun
\ ˈäŋ(k)st
, ˈaŋ(k)st
Definition of angst

: a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity
i enjoyed it. way over the top but whatever. final episode was pretty solid and robin (ice cream chick) is my dream girl
I really wish they didn't tone down the horror elements. S1 was really good, scary, and quite unnerving. Could have done without the Russian plot but if it gave us FSB-SPY then I'll call it a net positive.

I'll probably watch S4 but meh.
yeah she's hot as fuck
early in the season when she was first introduced i couldn't figure out if she was cute or not because of the ice cream getup and never having seen her before, but by the end i was captivated in every scene she was in