I'm about to drop acid

It's sad that LSD has such a social stigma attached to it because of idiots and propaganda :/

The gubment don't wantcha thinkin' to hard 'bout stuff now.

the reason it has such a 'stigma' isnt anything to do with MK ULTRA or government propaganda, it's to do with the fact that it can seriously fuck a person up for life

granted, you'd have to already have some pre-existing latent mental fuck-up to have acid send you over the deep-end, but then you realise that the people who take drugs are obviously pretty fucked in the first place

syd barrett is a pretty good example, creative/lead force behind pink floyd till he took one hit of acid too many and went nuts

they used to call him 'rock's greatest casualty' when he was still alive

he died fat, ugly and retarded living in his mothers house after being a recluse for 30 years
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So the Rx I got from the ER for the testicular pain was Tramadol, this shit is so chill. It's like relaxation in a pill, it's weaker than Hydrocodone but for some reason when you take 100mg of it you are just fucking chill for 6 hours straight.
I don't mind reading about skysnipe because he serves as a foil against which I can compare my life and achievements and see that I am not a total fuck up. Tehvul does the same for me.
Im a fan of movies and acid...

something acid always did that shrooms didnt was the random changing of size of objects onscreen.... in Candyman the lady was running down this hall and all the doors and changing dimensions into Alice in Wonderland doors and it was so cool looking I went completely retarded and was caught licking my TV screen when my girlfriend came home.
the VA sends me tramadol in the mail on the regular

it's better than real pain killers because it actually fucking works on pain but doesn't get you high (you can still safely function)

even though it doesn't get you high, it does put you in a friendly empathetic mood (this may just be how I am devoid of pain though lol)

same rules apply, dont take it too long or you'll shit bricks (or not at all), dont stop too fast, and only use it when you need it

I alternate between dealing with pain, tramadol, and a TENS machine
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i dont think acid has the same kind of draining effects the shrooms do so u can trip more often. not saying its wise though
So I wound up in the emergency room, unrelated to the acid, tripping at 2 AM and didn't fucking leave until 6 AM, was pretty gay.

I was laying in bed tripping out and watching TV and all of a sudden I felt a sharp intermittent pain in my left testicle, when I dropped my pants my left testicle was twice as high as my right one so I was like "fuuck".

I went to the hospital and had to get an ultrasound, there's just something so romantic about tripping in an emergency room at 3 AM with a guy rubbing nice warm ultrasound gel on your balls and feeling around with the machine.

It turned out to either be very mild torsion that fixed itself in the waiting room while I paced around in pain or an inflamed epididymis the PA said, I didn't even fucking see a doctor, only RN's, PAs and the ultra sound technician. But apparently he "reviewed" my ultrasound and urine results and I was good.

P.S. It's so fun sitting in an emergency room for 4 hours straight listening to a Münchausen Schizophrenic pace around every hour saying "I've been here for an hour and my hand is asleep, when will a doctor see me this is taking way too long.." He was saying this from 12 AM to 5 AM apparently according to someone in the waiting room, then finally he went home at like 5 AM because the doctors kept ignoring him every time he went up to the triage desk (which was every 15 minutes.)

juggling your balls while tripping... nice
didnt you say you were going to stop quoting the shit you're replying to under your reply

Mucky, what's up? :huh:

Like for quite a while

you been like "chill"

No mo :flame: :soapbox: :ninja:

Must be that gal ?

I feel soooooo trapped.
anna da woman inna me life iz gone :clap: :(
( been "iggy" her :phone: )

BUT, I don't think it's over yet.:worried:

Oh well, jes carry on. :shrug:
Wow, I wasted some good music posts on an idiot. Way to up our health care costs with stupid paranoia. You probably shouldn't do drugs.

