Tribes : Ascend

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Remember, like any classic Tribes game release you should release it exactly the same week as a stronger, more important game.

So, probably release it the week of MW3 or BF3 just to be safe. Otherwise, it wouldn't be Tribes!
working for me

got through 7 minutes and am bored. somebody else post cliffs for the rest
here's the first 7 minute summary:
-closed beta nov 4
-you can buy a preorder pack to guarantee beta access and also gives you in game currency / xp boost (etc)
-since pax theyve tweaked disc jump speed and capper chasing among other things
-they'll have some more contests to choose beta people and also continue to randomly select from website signups
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Summary of Todd's comments:

Closed beta: Friday, November 4th.

DJ strength, chasing, stand-still momentum has been tweaked.

3 ways to get into beta: hand-selected by HiRez, promotions/contests, pre-order VIP starter packs. 33% discount on purchases and beta guarantee.

VIP status gives you more in-game gold that goes towards classes and boosters.

'Many thousand' closed beta testers expected. Expect US, EU and AU servers.

Closed beta will focus on character progression outside of matches.

Open beta will focus on maintaining progression.

CBT will have NDA. Don't expect servers to be up 24/7, but they will be up a lot more than it was in Alpha.

Main goal of loadout system was to introduce a class-based system to Tribes; feel it will make gameplay more interesting. Customization not in the foreseeable future. If players were given complete weapon freedom, a dominant strategy would emerge and it would no longer be a class-based game.

Disc+2 system: Lot of discussion in the studio. Giving every class a disc hurts its distinctiveness (both the class and spinfusor). At least 3 loadouts have a spinfusor.

Boost confirmed for Jumper class?

Perk/skill system per class.

Character progression: to max out the Soldier class, 20 hours of gameplay will be needed. $/VIP and boosts will shorten requirements. Currently 11 skills/perks per class, will likely change during and after beta. Character ranks set at 50.

No server browser for CBT. Select gametype and hit Join. Expect sever browser for final release.

Social features: Currently contains a friends-list, next will be a party system and clan rosters, with e-sport features in the future.
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I for one am not gonna bash Hi Rez. They are putting out a new Tribes and I can't wait to play it. You guys are talking trash but have never played it.

I'm ready to play. Who has to get paid?

Get at me...
The fact they just announced there's going to be a server browser just won a f'ing point from me.

And yeah, I'm badmouthing their decisions, but I'd plop down $50 bucks to play it right now, too, as much as I hate what they've done with the series. It's f'ing Tribes...even if only in name, I'm going to play it.
The fact they just announced there's going to be a server browser just won a f'ing point from me.

And yeah, I'm badmouthing their decisions, but I'd plop down $50 bucks to play it right now, too, as much as I hate what they've done with the series. It's f'ing Tribes...even if only in name, I'm going to play it.

I'm stoked about the browser too. I'm more stoked that it won't be a browser through Firefox...
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