tick tock, ding dong, toot toot, etc

lol damn... AAA goin after MC's home space.

AAA have a hardon for the MC for whatever reason. They either just want a fun fight (hell don't we all) or they're actually there to keep the MC out of the fight. Funny thing is, we would have stayed out of the fight if folks gave us a contract elsewhere. Hell we would have left whatever wars well enough alone in Delve if people just stayed out of our constellation.

Oh and for those of you calling bullshit on that how many ASCN ships died to MC fire during the war? Hrm? Outside of a few ASCN wandering into our const we had damn near zero shots fired on them. :)

MC aren't BoB pets, slaves or anything else. We have a good business arrangement but we're still mercs and if we get a better deal somewhere else then you have our attention. People keep failing to realize that. FIX and Xelas and other corps are direct allies and have a more vested interest. We do not. While we'd like to keep our constellation the MC is quite calm about the possibility of losing it. We're one, if not the most, mobile group of pilots in EVE. We don't need a static home. We lived for over a year without one.

When the war is over we'll still be doing what we're doing. All the nay sayers will realize that we're still mercs and we're still some of the best for hire. Should BoB lose they can't even claim we're still their pets\slaves\alts\whatever.

I'd personally like to stay out of the politics of this war. Whats going on is between BoB and the rest of the universe as far as I'm concerned. We just want our toys and contracts. Oh and a cookie. Mercs love cookies. :D
It probably has to do with next to BoB, being the biggest bunch of lying chest beaters to play the game.

Still waiting for the day when MC has an effect on a conflict in which they're hired against us.
Us being who ... Goons? Sorry don't recognize your name dude. As far as living next to BoB so what? We also lived near ASCN as well if I remember the map correctly and you didn't see people taking shots at us for that except the occasional pirate perhaps. This is nothing more than people projecting their own thoughts onto the MC when they truly don't know about us. Hell most pilots within the MC don't know all the details of what goes on behind our doors.

Regardless, while I've been in the MC we've always completed what we've been paid to do. Unfortunately people project their own thoughts into our contracts and think we're not living up to our obligations. Just because we have a contract against Goons or RA or Big Blue or anyone else for that matter doesn't always mean we're there to beat them back into the stone age. If you feel otherwise then you're sorely mistaken. Many of our contracts consist of short term high impact hits like knocking out a few towers for whomever. Others are the long term "go fuck with so and so and bleed their isk". It really depends on the client. Unfortunately trying to reason with a mob is like pissing into the wind. You do what you gotta do but there's still a good chance for it to blow back on ya. :shrug: