Old Corpmate Wants to Move North, but NPC - Suggestions?


Veteran XX
I've got an old corp friend that is interested in getting back into eve, and he'd like to come join up with me. Problem is he's been in an NPC corp for like 2 years and I'm in D2 with all the Northern fun that we're having right now. So letting someone like that join your corp is like posting a thread on Eve forums that says "BoB spies apply here"...

So what I am wondering is TribalWar still running as a screener corp? Or what options are out there that you are aware of for him to get affiliated with Northern corps, other than to wait it out?


Des Harrison 3-I
Sounds fishy. OMG SPIES!

Why don't you just vouch for him and take responsibility? Then when he turns out to be a spy you get kicked too. And if he isn't, then its all good.
TRIBA is still open, and still has access to Fade.

I don't see a problem as long as you vouch for him. Not like he can go offline any towers or anything. :lol:
Well I guess that's just it...I can't really vouch for him other than to say it's the same person I knew 2 years ago. He was a stand-up guy then. He knows stuff we did back then together, so I don't think the account has been sold off or something like that. But I have no idea whether or not he has alterior motives - it's hard to pick up on something like that if a person is really hiding it. I told him he would have a hard time getting into 0.0 right now because there's just a lot of shit going on with the big alliances. He has been in the same NPC corp since going inactive a long time ago, and the story he told me is that he heard some stuff about the new patches, decided to reactivate, and here he is. Looks like he just joined a non-alliance corp for the time being.

Character's name is Othello Noral.
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