Democrat Debate

what bloom policies are 'far radically left' ngfm

He wants Obamacare back the way it was. It failed, couldn't keep your doctor, couldn't keep your plan, prices went up, deductibles went up. Yet his ads are saying the same things Obama did (Keep your plan, Keep your doctor).

His latest ad is reparations for blacks. Wants to give them all jobs. Skip to 07:00 of this video.

So hypocritical and cringe worthy. The problem is, if you give jobs to blacks, then you have to do it for all the minority races. That leads to open borders and giving everything to Muslims, which is happening in the UK and Germany. But he's pandering to blacks to get their vote. It's pathetic.
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Did steyer come up with anything noteworthy?

Tom Steyer: Trump won the Democratic debate

2020 Democrat Tom Steyer said that the winner of the most recent presidential debate was actually a candidate who was not on the stage: President Trump.

Steyer, 62, who did not qualify for the debate himself, anointed Trump the winner of Wednesday night's event during an appearance on CNN the next morning.

"Well, I saw the person who won the debate last night whose name is Donald Trump. That’s the first thing I’d say," the billionaire stated after being asked what he saw throughout the debate.
Everything about Pete is wrong. I can't stand his face. He seems like he's lying always or at lest extremely disingenuous. Only his upper teeth have been whitened making him look strange. His head/body proportion make him look like a cartoon. And it's just really gross that he's a homo. And imagine how embarrassing have a homo POTUS would be.

Embarrassing is the First Man he's would drag around with him.
Drudge Poll This morning has it
Sanders, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Warren, Buttigieg, Biden
Look at this last place!!! Fucker was the 'front runner' according to the fakies.
So, why is he doing so poorly. Could it be Dims got their eyes finally open after the Crime of the Century Impeachment Trial?
Yet, Bigon's still hanging in there and the media???? what do they say about him and WHY he's doing so badly? And if Bigon's doing so bad because of a fake trial and the real stuff it brought up about him, and all the Dim candidates went along with it,,,
doesn't that implicate all of them. Fucking Dim party is a corrupt joke.

fluffy article but let me pull this out
Biden noted the 160 million figure back in November, but he failed to crucially link it to Sanders's ability to beat Trump. As Bloomberg illustrated in a single line, Sanders likely won't win because he's running on a socialist Christmas list that robs workers of their hard-negotiated private healthcare plans. Biden likely won't win because he was never able to state this fact.

Really? That's the reason he won't win now?? stupid Here's why he won't win; why aren't the dimocratic candidates attacking him about it.... because they're as corrupt (that's bernya too) as he is.

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