Deaf girl hears her voice for the first time.

If she's deaf then why doesn't she sound like a fucking zombie? She sounds completely normal. I must be missing something here.
She sounds deaf to me :shrug: Some deaf people pickup and mimic mouth shapes and tongue movements better than others during childhood. I've met some that sound close to normal and some that sound like zombies. Varies widely.
Ender's a shit poster and he has herpes

so realistically your dreams have already come true

the herpes will burn him forever
Because the deaf can be taught to speak somewhat normally if they choose to do so.

i was talking to my daughters soccer coach after a couple years of her coaching my daughter and she told me she is 100% def. I was blown away. i have family that is def and you know they are def as soon as they speak. This woman you would never know she is def unless she told you.. no weird speech at all.