we should start tracking down former tribers for an epic where are they now thread.

How about Phyro? I used to talk to him a bit in #consortium. IIRC his name was Justin and he was a grad student/writer. He was working on a book, but was having trouble finding a publisher. I'm just curious if it ever went anywhere.
tell me about godernst bryan, he wont friend me on facebook and it says he lives in china
Last I heard he was happily married living in Singapore. He hasn't friended me either the bastard! It's the least he could do for calling me to make a match and bomb my exam...repeatedly :|
While we're on the topic of E5 I want to know about Sabre, Shag, & HG as well. I'm pretty sure everybody else is doing very well. :)
How about my list:

Security Blanket
Xexis Khan
Atlas (Synergy)
Piltdown Panda

Really anyone from VuP, Synergy, or Pandas.
Sounds plausbile.

Last I heard of Zino he moved into the wilderness with no internet but that was like 6-7 years ago.
While we're on the topic of E5 I want to know about Sabre, Shag, & HG as well. I'm pretty sure everybody else is doing very well. :)

shag is still here. we used to hang out when he lived in hawaii for a bit. our entire friendship was based on jack bauer and pot.

he was also the first person to show me how to tivo a show when it starts live, spend 15 minutes toking, and then start watching the "delayed" version so you can skip all the commercials and still finish at the same time. pretty standard now, but at the time i was like "HOLY CRAP YOU JUST REINVENTED THE WHEEL"
shag is still here. we used to hang out when he lived in hawaii for a bit. our entire friendship was based on jack bauer and pot.

he was also the first person to show me how to tivo a show when it starts live, spend 15 minutes toking, and then start watching the "delayed" version so you can skip all the commercials and still finish at the same time. pretty standard now, but at the time i was like "HOLY CRAP YOU JUST REINVENTED THE WHEEL"

OMG I loved tivo when it was first released! now I just wait 10-15 mins after the show has aired and grab it with no commercials online. You save all the time fast forwarding which woulda taken 10 mins by itself as many of those things are in shows anymore!
nobody can tell me about chron warrior? and how about [FTM]...

i played on a dota team with TanthalaS and g0N2o at a live tourney and we beat a bunch of high school teams and took home $300

bling bling

editors note gonzo is a fucking rager

also bryan sabre was playing very recently less than a couple months ago
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So while there's a bunch of people here...I played T2 with someone smurfing as XY.

There's no way it was just a random person and not a smurf. I want to know who it was, after all these years.
I wonder about the people who were already a little older in the tribes days, myself.
They were in their 20s then, now in their middle 30s, 40s.

Also wonder about Snatch/Avatar/Silencer. Wonder if they killed each other.

I lurk here very little anymore, but tribalwar is never out of my favorites bar.