[so] imma setup a patreon

one thing moto no understand...

Just one?
Maybe if you guys did a better job of kicking off retards over the past seven years this place would not have degraded into such a shithole of sperging incels, racists, perverts and trolls. That being said I'm good for a few bucks a month...

c'mon - this place has always been a shithole filled with retards, just the flavour has changed
Fuck that. This is Tribalwar. Which is best war. Set the Patreon up Boss. We will do the rest. All the best to you and yours.
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I do a quick sweep of subforums to de-bot them typically once a day just by checking last post by. You're right, they're almost all dead forums, but frankly they help keep bots out of general discussion.

can we setup a subforum that is the only thing that shows up for new members? let them all spam away in there and adjust the robots.txt so it doesn't get indexed
you guys seem to have forgot that back in the day we had soo many members that the shit heads were a minority. That is no longer the case.
o wow, look @ this racist ^^^^^^

all the shitheads in the "tw glory days" were MINORITIES according 2 him
When Free Speech has been shut down everywhere else, the masses wanting their voices to be heard outside of a 'bubble' forum will run to us. TW a place to argue and name call without being banned.
Waiting for the patreon link; sticky it.
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it would be nice to be able to support this site just through patreon / donations and then remove ads. guessing that would reduce the amount of bots too
When Free Speech has been shut down everywhere else, the masses wanting their voices to be heard outside of a 'bubble' forum will run to us. TW a place to argue and name call without being banned.
Waiting for the patreon link; sticky it.

this is exactly what enrages vanster so much. he cant fucking stand free speech. fucks like him have criminalized speech they dont agree with in all western eurotrash countries, ausi and nz.

all main stream online social media has followed suit and bowed down to nazi fuckboys like vanster. tw is one of the last places left where peep r free to say whatever they want. it enrages vanster and fucks like him so much he literally sky screeeeeeches irl. :heart: tw
TW would be better if we had more Vansters and Cael’s imo. We lack balance, so it loses that free speech vibe.

I’m a pretty big fan of diversity. That doesn’t mean I believe in free rides and re-leveling of the playing field.
I would like to bring more people in, in general. Tell your friends to come here, grow a thick skin, so I can laugh and make fun of them
No one reads your gibberish flipp. I know what you do takes a lot of effort and is under appreciated but most of us are pretty lazy. Maybe just post the way you actually speak. Please tell me you don’t speak like that.
Patreon is cucked so I'll pass on that option, but I'll throw a 20 at the TW Paypal if that still works.
Even PayPal will ban this place. Just setup a GoFundMe or something. Will subscribe if something gets setup.
I can identify as a gender fluid, non binary, POC, cuckhold incel. We will thrive as a destination for free speech.