[star wars] The Last Fuckin Jedi [box of words] [$$billion$$]

I had huge expectations for the found and re-emergent Last Jedi Knight of the Known Universe. Instead we got a grumpy hermit who could teach Jedi in three easy lessons.

I would of liked to see a send off of the Last Jedi heavy with gravitas, motherfuckers secured the peace of the galaxy for millennia surely they deserve a tilt of the flag. But no, Luke's reverted to a whiny conflicted hermit.

Neo stopped bullets. The Last Jedi's trick was to project his being to another location. A holo projector accomplishes the same thing. Cheapens everything Jedi imo.

The Jedi leave the Universe not with a resounding BANG, but with a whiny whimper.

Wow, was going to give a 6.5/10 but reminding myself about what a huge disappointment The Last Jedi of the Known Universe was, I think a 5/10 is apropos.
Phantom Menace flowed better I think, and it had the mystery aspect of what was going on with the senate. The Force Awakens even had some mystery to it, and it was easy to follow and not too campy.

This movie was a chase like the old Battlestar Galactica series plot, and it wasn't strong enough to be a whole movie. They could of used a lot of stuff from Attack of the Clones again, and it might have worked better.

Did they test it to audiences and see what their reactions were? They should have storyboarded it to audiences or something, or looked at the other movie storyboards to make sure they had a believable premise and plot.

I think Rian Johnson was given a lot of control, both writing and directing, and he chose not to go the same direction that was originally intended and it shows. The plot is rather muddled as a result. He clearly wanted to have his Empire "I am your father" moment with Kylo and Snoke, and it would be a surprise because Kylo is Darth Vader 2.0 because it's just a reboot of the original trilogy right?

The problem is the original trilogy wasn't the fall of Vader but the redemption. Trying to recreate the original trilogy with a falling arc instead of a redemption arc doesn't really work. Kylo is clearly ascending to Sith Master, and the story would fare much better from approaching the entire trilogy as Ben Solo being an irredeemable character. It fits the narrative better. He's not Vader, he's Palpatine, just without the cleverness or politics. Show the audience something they have not seen in a Star Wars film yet, not the fall of a good character but the creation of a monster.
i liked it, enjoyed that it wasn't the same ol star wars story and we got a different kind of arc.

It was basically a less interesting version of the Battlestar Galactica episode "33" (aka the best episode of that show)

Only now we have episode one style cities

Finn was basically jar jar. Walking around pouring water everywhere, people talk to him and he's totally distracted, clumsy ways of killing people. He's jar jar
It's not so much that it was different than the OT, nor the plot holes that I've seen people complain about. It's the lack of character development, shitty plot and horrible flow.
It's even more bizarre when you consider there's only about a 24 hour difference separating Han's death and the events of this film.
I loved the main plot. Everything with Luke/Rey/Snoke/Ren was enjoyable. Everything that wasn't that was pretty terrible. The problem with Force Awakens is they followed the formula to a fault. This movie dares to change things up and it does it pretty well.

That said, everything involving the subplots was pretty terrible. Even I was taken back by the forced SJW overtones in the movie. My god, they turned a great character like Poe into a moronic ape who basically is just another obstacle for a purple haired female to overcome. I mean come on... a little on the nose?

That said I thought Rey was great and Ridley did a great job.

I also think people are missing some important things with Luke. At one point Snoke is talking to Rey and says something like "Darkness rises, and light rises to meet it" meaning Rey. Luke mentions this a lot too. It is almost like the eternal conflict is inevitable and that the balance in the force that gets mentioned all the time basically means as one side gets strong, the other will do the same. Del Toro's character even says something like "next time they'll be blowing you up" or something along those lines.
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they really never explained how at the end of Jedi all the good guys won and then became the resistance

also Mark Hammill hates the new one
that was a horrible fukin movie w huge plot holes too

it was basically a rip off battlestar galactica ep 1

and if they could just destroy the entire first order fleet by warp jumping through it with a single ship, why didnt they just do that from the start?

in fact they could have avoided the whole war if they just suicide bombed the entire new order army

the resistance is literally ISIS
Shave off about an hour from this movie and you might have something good there that's lost int he 2.5 hours of wasted time.
Still feel most of the problems with the parts of the movie not dealing with Rey and Kylo stem from decisions made in the narrative setup of TFA. Running back Episode 3 with no explanation or development of the First Order or Resistance left a good chunk of the cast stuck in a dumb storyline. Felt like they were spending most of the movie trying to fix that but never really getting anywhere.

Almost all of the Rey/Kylo/Luke/Snoke stuff was great, some clunky dialogue here and there but otherwise engaging and interesting. Rey and Kylo make a great hero and villain combo.
Which is why this movie was particularly frustrating. There's a lot of why does this exist? Why have them evacuate the resistance base to pin them in a chase, only to pin them in a second base? Why not just pin them in the first base? Build tension by having Poe and Finn immobile and helpless, doing whatever they can to fend off the bombardment of the First Order and hoping they can last long enough for Rey to find Luke to return and save them. Have Rey grow frustrated and impatient with Luke because they have to hurry to save her friends. Callback to Empire. Boom, done.
Which is why this movie was particularly frustrating. There's a lot of why does this exist? Why have them evacuate the resistance base to pin them in a chase, only to pin them in a second base? Why not just pin them in the first base? Build tension by having Poe and Finn immobile and helpless, doing whatever they can to fend off the bombardment of the First Order and hoping they can last long enough for Rey to find Luke to return and save them. Have Rey grow frustrated and impatient with Luke because they have to hurry to save her friends. Callback to Empire. Boom, done.

Yeah, that works better.

Also I would suggest retconning the First Order a bit, make them and starkiller base more of the last ditch effort by the remnants of the Empire wiping out the senate and republic for good with only Leia's small Resistance left to try to end their tyranny and rebuild a unified galaxy.