[Release Thread] Overwatch

How old is that? I don't see Ana.
*sigh* Someone noticed (Sombra's not on there either). I noticed after I posted it that those images are extremely old (I just noticed the "End of Beta" bit on the last image lol). You can also tell it's old by how high Widowmaker is. Was hoping no one would notice and I could save some face. Thanks :srsly: lol.

Looking around, I don't see anything for Post-Symmetra buff (due to the holidays and what not I suppose). Guess we'll see where she really places soon. :weird:
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i wish i could tell who dead on my team without looking for skull icons... game could use some sort of player health/status hud. like the one u see in spec
retarded meta...dva/hog solo mccree ez as shit .they doing just as much damage as dps with more hp, wtf would u pick a dps??
If you're playing solo queue Soldier and Roadhog are perfect since you can heal yourself and you don't really depend on others to help you with kills (and to an extent Diva due to her Mech giving her a second health bar and her having so much mobility).

Ana is just ridiculous for a support in general (and Lucio's speed boost will always be clutch).

Reinhardt is the only consistent counter to random Roadhog hooks so he'll usually be in there as well.

That only leaves a few spots left on the team (which is why so many others are so underplayed). :weird:
Been duo-queuing as pharah with a friend that typically plays ana. Seems to work well for us. Not sure how good pharah will be once I get to masters since hitscans will most likely be even deadlier there, but for now I just have to play extra slippery and it works.
people just dont understand man advantage and picks

too many times we manage a pick,i start pushing the point and 4 or 5 niggers are sitting behind the choke still doing what the fuck ever

players at plat feed too often as well when they should fall back and reset after losing a few teammates

ive had the best luck solo que or just playing with 1 person at most

the stay as a team option is ok but then your gonna go against a stack as well and most of the time they are likely going to be more coordinated

ya i agree with ur points here

picks are so important in this game (whens the last time anyone won 5v6?) but people never look at the kill counter to take stock of their team's situation

and since that is likely to never change we'll just have to suck it up and hate everyone less for being idiots
win a 5v6? all the time ... because of the reverse of what you're talking about. get a pick, team moves, but the rein drops his shield or does a stupid needless charge, or the s76 runs out in front of the tanks and gets insta gibbed. happens a lot with mediocre dva tanks when there is no rein. instead of tanking they run off trying to flank and the supports behind them get nuked. etc etc.

*edit* forgot to add that according to pagy all these things are always your fault.
Big mistake a lot of people do is try to go for flanks too often, had a reaper the one day that was trying so hard to get a team wipe with their ultimate that they were hiding on ledges for several minutes, we were playing with a man down and one of the our only picks that could do real damage we lost while he was standing on a back ledge near the end of Kings Row while we were fighting to get to the check point.

I notice that a lot when playing with a friend that just got the game, we get a mix of people around my level and his level, quick play I notice we have 3 people trying to flank sometimes, so each encounter we were always out numbered and then the flankers would dive in and get destroyed in 6 on 1 or 2.

Roadhog is always going to be good in a game about getting picks, widow used to be a great character for getting picks but the game has changed enough she isn't as good. Roadhog is the only character that I feel I have to adjust my character pick and how I play based on his presence or lack of presence, if their roadhog is decent you have to play more conservative in how you peak and poke at them.
jesus christ, I guess I never really went on a big win streak before. THE MMR boost you get from that is insane. I just went from barely plat to almost diamond in no time at all. 70+ points per win is sweeeeeet.
a quick reminder
most of these spergs have no clue how to play a 3d shooter
so when we play pharah, we dominate
but these fags have no clue how to use that z-axis