we played that sik ass monster game

1.my first issue is i play about 20 hours of FPS a YEAR in general
2. my second issue is a i suck at FPS and dont know any maps and for a while what monsters did what etc etc
my third issue is i like to cause discord within the group by bad play (fire pots, team kills, getting murdered) occaisionally because it's funny. Mind you, this isnt all the time, and half the time it happens it is probably because of 1 and 2
4. i think my mouse is dying. last few months it has been spotty with the input and sometimes there is no read, sometimes lag, sometimes it jumps the cursor fucking 3 feet (im on a big tv). which is why i like playing with a controller for fps or twitch games. Which makes me suck more at FPS.
however i have good humor about the whole lot and love mumble or whatever for voice comms and i think you'll find many people enjoy playing with me because im a funny retarded dude and you can shoot me and i'll rage and then we laugh and have a beer hey