Tell me about the SJW warrior

Good thing I'm not the President, who is getting shit done, based on my vote and enough of the realists and critical thinkers and gamblers out there
The SJW originated in the mid 80's with the rise of dual income households, which forced many children into cramped day care facilities where the children were required to compete with each other for the attention of single, childless women, who teach them that masculinity is shameful and toxic. As those same children entered their teenage years in the 90s, parents began catering to their children's incessant demands. It was a time of economic prosperity, and rather than teach their children any form of discipline or self-reliance, they provided them with every luxury available in order to satiate their tantrums.

Enter the 2000s, and the real boom of the internet. No longer just for nerds, social media platforms emerged and created a new space where the still attention starved brats could receive it in droves. It was not enough to have a few close friends, one's self worth was measured entirely by the number of friend counts on various platforms. Children learned that sharing empty platitudinous remarks would earn them more shares, more likes, more friends. It was no longer enough to lead a moral and virtuous life, one must now demonstrate that virtue to others. Dyed hair, visible tattoos and piercings, and eye-catching fashion choices became cultural norms to express individualism collectively. The act of not expressing virtue gradually becomes reprehensible. Facts and logic become meaningless in the pursuit of self-worth and value.

Finally we reach today, where decades of pointless, undeserved accolades have created a multi-generational group of shitty writers, actors, and singers who were never really criticized for anything. They stare around the room, either still in their parents house or in a shitty 3BR apartment they share with 8 people, and wonder where things went wrong. They got the 4 year college degree in Art History after 9 hard years of study, but they can't find work to pay off the $300,000 private school loans they took. Gone is the free cable, the free internet, the free housing, the free car, the free food, and they regress to the same tantrums they threw in day care. This is not fair. This is someone else's fault. I want what I had, and you have what I had, therefore you should give me what you have because I deserve things. Instead of self-reflection on the choices they have made, they now discover an adulthood of incompetence. They have no intrinsic value to society, and extreme cognitive dissonance sets in. I have no value, yet I've been told by everyone that I do. My book goes unpublished, my job is being replaced by an LED screen, I am not famous, I own no home, I have no kids, but if I update my facebook profile picture to show solidarity with Paris everyone acknowledges how amazing I am.

This marks the arrival of the social justice warrior. An attention starved adult child who cannot come to grips with the terrible choices they've made under the lax supervision of absentee parents. Their self-perceived victim status elevates their need for more attention, finding solace with other like-minded individuals, and making unreasonable demands based solely on even more virtue signaling. Standards of success are kept shockingly low, as the goal is merely to garner attention and not accomplishments. Marches for rights already obtained ensue, selfies at environment protests, carefully framed to avoid showing their litter, flood the internet. Praise is showered upon them from their vapid, meaningless social media echo chambers. Today we accomplished nothing, and it was amazing how much people appreciated it.

Author of one of the greatest book on SJW's SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police and author of another great book: Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America

The 8 Stages Of An SJW Attack
1. Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative. Trivial violations are sufficient when a target has some public or organizational influence.

2. Point and Shriek. “The next step is to summon other SJWs by pointing at the target and shrieking about how terrible, outrageous, and completely unacceptable he is.”

3. Isolate and Swarm. The target is isolated from his allies while SJW’s recruit more foot soldiers in the attack.

4. Reject and Transform. An apology is elicited from the target, which only makes matters worse. “[The apology] is promptly rejected because it is not the action, but the actor, that is the real target.”

5. Press for Surrender. They begin going for the kill: getting the person fired from a job or ejection from an organization.

6. Appeal to Amenable Authority. The company or organization is heavily petitioned to punish the target.

7. Show Trial. The target is accused of every wrong imaginable, almost always falsely, and the media becomes an ally in publishing those lies, fed to them directly by the SJWs involved.

8. Victory Parade. “[SJWs] repeatedly display the corpse in a ritual manner, to demoralize anyone else who might otherwise be inclined to challenge their Narrative.” If the target has a Wikipedia page, it will be promptly updated with their latest thoughtcrimes.

Fighting back against the SJW

We should take our cue from the present progressive ruling class, and start with an accusation, that today's progressive ruling class is the most oppressive and unjust that ever exploited ordinary innocent humans. Its religion is government, its way of life is politics, and builds nothing but comprehensive and mandatory administrative systems. How then could its rule be anything but unjust? And so our banners should proclaim their guilt:

1. Government is force.

2. Politics divides people.

3. System is domination.

Compare our cry with the progressives' various accusations over the last 150 years. First, they cried that capitalists were exploiters. But the capitalists were building an economy that has boosted the incomes of ordinary folk by 3000% in two centuries. Some exploitation! Then they cried that bourgeois men were patriarchs. You mean the same bourgeoisie that replaced arranged marriages with romantic marriage and the privacy that got young women out from under the domination of the extended family? Some patriarchy. Then the cry was that whites are racists. You mean the whites that abolished slavery and then forced most of the rest of the world to follow suit? Some racism.

In other words, the progressives lied. But then Vox Day just told us: SJWs Always Lie.

And now, after a century of their rule, we all live under the boot of their compulsory administrative government programs. What are taxes at 33 percent of GDP but exploitation? What is the vast apparatus of government entitlements but a vast coercive patriarchy? What is the cruel politics of identity and diversity but racism?

Was there ever a government so oppressive and unjust?

If we could articulate a political philosophy to put the progressives on the back foot and then put a bit of stick about among the SJW rabbits, courtesy of Vox Day & Co., we'd find that all our frustrations with timid RINOs in Washington and Silicon Valley titans timidly kissing the ring of the Democrats would melt into air.

Then we could live in truth, instead of the SJW lie.
they r a threat cuz my basement is getting filled up with their rotting corpses and im running out of lime and bleach
They're a threat when the protest causes roads to be shut down and police to be injured. They also cheer on the blacks to kill cops and innocent people (whites). Always be aware of your surroundings.

Their numbers at the latest protests have been far less. Probably because they're not getting paid by Soros anymore.
If you ignore them they just go away eventually. The problem is people keep caving into their tantrums. Look at occupy wallstreet. A couple of weeks of unwashed hipsters banging drums in Manhattan. Ohhhh scary. Wall Street ignored them and they eventually got bored and\or realized nothing was going to get done.
i was thing chipper/shreader. least that way they could finally contribute to humanity in a positive way (as fertilizer)
Ah, so they're using the violence of the State which is often way out of proportion to the thought crime committed.

Have any laws been passed on behalf of the SJW?

ever watched someone who is overly religious create atheist kids by being too strict, too overzealous, in their pwn beliefs and interpretations?

well...apparently the same thing is going on again with a new generation of true believers and cultists


swing too hard.....the youth swing back
The SJW originated in the mid 80's with the rise of dual income households, which forced many children into cramped day care facilities where the children were required to compete with each other for the attention of single, childless women, who teach them that masculinity is shameful and toxic. As those same children entered their teenage years in the 90s, parents began catering to their children's incessant demands. It was a time of economic prosperity, and rather than teach their children any form of discipline or self-reliance, they provided them with every luxury available in order to satiate their tantrums.

Enter the 2000s, and the real boom of the internet. No longer just for nerds, social media platforms emerged and created a new space where the still attention starved brats could receive it in droves. It was not enough to have a few close friends, one's self worth was measured entirely by the number of friend counts on various platforms. Children learned that sharing empty platitudinous remarks would earn them more shares, more likes, more friends. It was no longer enough to lead a moral and virtuous life, one must now demonstrate that virtue to others. Dyed hair, visible tattoos and piercings, and eye-catching fashion choices became cultural norms to express individualism collectively. The act of not expressing virtue gradually becomes reprehensible. Facts and logic become meaningless in the pursuit of self-worth and value.

Finally we reach today, where decades of pointless, undeserved accolades have created a multi-generational group of shitty writers, actors, and singers who were never really criticized for anything. They stare around the room, either still in their parents house or in a shitty 3BR apartment they share with 8 people, and wonder where things went wrong. They got the 4 year college degree in Art History after 9 hard years of study, but they can't find work to pay off the $300,000 private school loans they took. Gone is the free cable, the free internet, the free housing, the free car, the free food, and they regress to the same tantrums they threw in day care. This is not fair. This is someone else's fault. I want what I had, and you have what I had, therefore you should give me what you have because I deserve things. Instead of self-reflection on the choices they have made, they now discover an adulthood of incompetence. They have no intrinsic value to society, and extreme cognitive dissonance sets in. I have no value, yet I've been told by everyone that I do. My book goes unpublished, my job is being replaced by an LED screen, I am not famous, I own no home, I have no kids, but if I update my facebook profile picture to show solidarity with Paris everyone acknowledges how amazing I am.

This marks the arrival of the social justice warrior. An attention starved adult child who cannot come to grips with the terrible choices they've made under the lax supervision of absentee parents. Their self-perceived victim status elevates their need for more attention, finding solace with other like-minded individuals, and making unreasonable demands based solely on even more virtue signaling. Standards of success are kept shockingly low, as the goal is merely to garner attention and not accomplishments. Marches for rights already obtained ensue, selfies at environment protests, carefully framed to avoid showing their litter, flood the internet. Praise is showered upon them from their vapid, meaningless social media echo chambers. Today we accomplished nothing, and it was amazing how much people appreciated it.
