Ann Coulter on Twitter:

Is she reading our posts KittyCat?

I thinks so

favorite part about this tweet is Joy Behar agreeing with her about Jared

but very clearly not for the same reasons.......

110 time again

Jared & Soros could care less about America

It is as if they view us as one big money cog used to produce and send money to isreal and create msm news distractions

They will team up with saudis sell out to pelosi or whoever about border security if it makes them a few more shekels

Whoever we vote for we get the same result

Nothing shocks me anymore

Not suprised isreal has a big wall we paid for and we cant even fund our own but send billions in aid all over the world

Doesnt matter to soros hes on his yacht telling us about diversity while isreal doesnt let anyone in
and that isn't even a troll

it is just straight up facts and truth from my standpoint

To end government shutdown, Kushner floats DACA deal | McClatchy Washington Bureau

I get to listen to people who have a dna based ethnostate, who deport people who are not "like" them, have camps for the rest, have absolute state segregation, and who will not even let you take public transit (without proper papers and ID), tell me that I'm not allowed to lock my doors, have a country, own a home, or even exist on my own land

that any protection for myself, with my money, is immoral and that even asking others for ID (to live off my money) should be a crime.

Inside East Jerusalems Separate Bus System for Palestinians - CityLab

and they don't understand others resentment (when we pay for their existence and ethnostate)
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