

arsin: lol my balls look at them lol
Rayn: Obibun is a moron
Precise2 = Ellen

I think this is an excellent example of why canucks aren't fit to interact with the civilized world (arsin, precise, xcursion, etc).
Also tags are priceless

adam mitter , adam mitter bun splitter , adam mitter semen shitter , arsin = ellen = precise , arsin precise precise2 , dick dock , dock dick , future staples management , great buckets of faggotry , obibun has fas , obibun is adam mitter
Would be the case if my personal information wasn't plastered all over the place hence why I'm trying so hard to clean up the situation. I do care, otherwise I wouldn't be here, argument flawed.

This is TW. The harder you fight it the worse it will get. Just walk away. Well that or stick around and make your life a living hell. These idiots will stop at nothing to fuck with you. At this point it doesn't fucking matter who you are. Argue all you want. Jump when they say jump. Bother your woman with this stupid drama because some fucking website on the internet is spreading lies about you. My god man.
so either arsin/precise is pretending to be his girlfriend and sending me messages on facebook or i'm still talking to his girlfriend and shes starting to realize he's fucking nuts
so either arsin/precise is pretending to be his girlfriend and sending me messages on facebook or i'm still talking to his girlfriend and shes starting to realize he's fucking nuts

When you come back to North America maybe she'll realize your nuts  belong in her mouf 

And where the fuck are the tit pics.
Obibun 109
Precise2 53
JoMo 24
Skibbi9 22
Xcursion 19

Minus jomo this explains a little minus xcursion's lack of angst
guys this isnt about tit pics this is about getting ellen the professional help he desperately needs