Vanster was a total creep, a weirdo, and a loser

Oh so you're just another nobody faggot like dutch who used to be good at a game 20 years ago lol

And now you're nothing but a fucking pussy faggot, holding on to that stupid fucking "champion" status lol. Get a life or kill yourself, noob.
Who the fuck are you, faggot?

Havax, what has happened to you? :huh:

On my part, I can understand (you not really knowing what when down) why you hate on me ......... BUT

BUT, .... now, the way you've been posting leaves me :confused:

Ever since you left San Antonio, ....... you've become DIFFERENT
lol...the little turd is angry.

I am a multiple time Tribes Champion, bitch. You know, the game this website was created for?! You probably don't as you are just a random forum monkey leg humping cunt.

Now bow down and kiss the soles of my feet, peon.

Just sanitize your nasty lips before you do.



Just when I thought nobody could be more pathetic on this website, you go and do this...