
If she is impressionable, having not kissed her will make her feel like she's not attractive enough to be kissed, thus you have your fist around her.

From here on, you can take two roads, that of the asshole or that of the nice guy.

The asshole: don't kiss her for a while, or kiss her, back off and give a sort of disguisted look and say you have to go. This will make her feel like shit and then will not stop thinking about you and how to make you like her more.

The nice guy: Kiss her, love her and treat her like she's a queen. This is the most rewarding while you're in the relationship, but YOU eventually get fucked over until you find one that wants to get married. The nice guy usually gets fucked over in the short run.

A mixture of both is required to sustain a HS relationship for a period of time at your discretion. If you are good at manipulative speech, then you'll be able to have her never leave you. Just make sure you set in stone that if she ever fucks around on the side that you'll leave instantly.

This is my experience in HS dating, some people find different methods to work/not work. I have had 1 6 month relationship, and 10-12 3 week relationships. I've never been broken up with.
ok well.. google could have helped. but here is some real advice.

Kiss her somewhere, but not on the lips, first time. If you having a hug, give her a few kisses her on the neck. see how she reacts... just move up to her lips from there. she will think your the romance master.
it was cool

first we went out to eat, then i brought her back to my house and we went into the hot tub. and then all of a sudden i was kissing her, it was kinda cool and surprising. im really happy now, full of adrenaline! :rawr:
Way to go on your success!!!!
Next time, if you like her romantically, kiss her sweetly once on the forehead before you go in to kiss her on the lips, every girl likes that...
Sentor said:
If she is impressionable, having not kissed her will make her feel like she's not attractive enough to be kissed, thus you have your fist around her.

From here on, you can take two roads, that of the asshole or that of the nice guy.

The asshole: don't kiss her for a while, or kiss her, back off and give a sort of disguisted look and say you have to go. This will make her feel like shit and then will not stop thinking about you and how to make you like her more.

The nice guy: Kiss her, love her and treat her like she's a queen. This is the most rewarding while you're in the relationship, but YOU eventually get fucked over until you find one that wants to get married. The nice guy usually gets fucked over in the short run.

A mixture of both is required to sustain a HS relationship for a period of time at your discretion. If you are good at manipulative speech, then you'll be able to have her never leave you. Just make sure you set in stone that if she ever fucks around on the side that you'll leave instantly.

This is my experience in HS dating, some people find different methods to work/not work. I have had 1 6 month relationship, and 10-12 3 week relationships. I've never been broken up with.

dood... 1 6 month relationship and 10-12 3 week relationships? maybe you just break up with these chicks before they can hurt you? maybe a defense mechanism (straight out of good will hunting). i mean, from these figures it doesn't look like you're keeping these chicks in check with manipulative speech and a balance, you're just packing up your bags before things get serious