

Democrats Unload on Bernie Sanders in Likely Debate Preview

CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) — Democratic rivals to Bernie Sanders are preparing to try to knock him off his front-runner perch in a debate Tuesday night before a critical South Carolina primary that could dramatically reshape the race.

With mounting fear among the Democratic establishment that the self-described democratic socialist is on the verge of gaining a significant lead in the delegates needed to secure the nomination, several candidates are resorting to a last ditch effort to stop him. The day before Tuesday night's debate in Charleston, they previewed their lines of attack in a series of digital or television advertisements.

and then a whole bunch of shit they list.

By the time they get to Trump they will be exhausted
BREAKING: Lancet Study Author Says Sanders' Financing Plan Fully Covers Cost of Medicare for All

"The options laid out by Sen. Sanders last night will more than cover" the cost of Medicare for All, said Yale University’s Alison Galvani, one of the nation’s leading experts on health care financing, and the co-author of a comprehensive report published in The Lancet analyzing the prospect of single-payer health care in the United States.

Guhhh... how he gon' pay for it? Me dumb repugnicunt. Me no understand plans written on Sanders' website for months now. Me read tweets by Toilet Paper USA Charlie "where is my fucking face?!" Kirk.
jfc obamacare already doubled the cost of healthcare already will the government just quit fucking around with it please id like to see a doctor sometime in my life time if that's ok with all you communists.
BREAKING: Lancet Study Author Says Sanders' Financing Plan Fully Covers Cost of Medicare for All

Guhhh... how he gon' pay for it? Me dumb repugnicunt. Me no understand plans written on Sanders' website for months now. Me read tweets by Toilet Paper USA Charlie "where is my fucking face?!" Kirk.


A Yale Professor of Epidemiology understands the in/outs of the macro USA economy enough to suggest raising taxes on the 'rich' (anyone making over 29k) will be more than enough to cover a 800 billion per year increase in government spending and take over 1/6 of the economy.

No mention of the increase is care. Because... we all know... that won't happen.

Never forget, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Jesus christ... i just scrolled her twitter feed...

If you don't think she has some sort of bias in her views you're a fucking retard.
jfc obamacare already doubled the cost of healthcare already will the government just quit fucking around with it please id like to see a doctor sometime in my life time if that's ok with all you communists.

Obamacare was a R E P U B L I C A N law. It mandated even more profits to private healthcare mafia I mean insurance companies. It's socialism for the rich. M4A drops the middlemen and lets you pick your doctor and you won't have to worry about copays, deductibles, out of pockets, are you covered for this or that, is your caregiver in network etc.

Jesus christ... i just scrolled her twitter feed...

If you don't think she has some sort of bias in her views you're a fucking retard.

reeeee someone with an education disagrees with my high school dropout opinions reeee
How many Republicans voted for it?

Does the GOP oppose anything and everything the dems do on principle?
Fact is, it was basically the exact same law Romney passed as governor. There was plenty of support for the central aspects of it among many republicans for a long time.

You're a dishonest shill. Ever get tired of that?
Does the GOP oppose anything and everything the dems do on principle?
Fact is, it was basically the exact same law Romney passed as governor. There was plenty of support for the central aspects of it among many republicans for a long time.

You're a dishonest shill. Ever get tired of that?

romney also passed an assault weapons ban bill

and is a never trumper

and is talking about wanting to run on VP ticket with Bloombeg

I don't think Romney is the GOP spokesperson and never has been

and if he is that party can go fuck itself harder than whatever party AOC thinks she is a part of
i keep trying to make a post with actual numbers to laugh at absent but forum isn't allowing it


speaking of numbers.......wtf is going on here

who put baby TELE in the corner?

y u do dis
Obamacare was a R E P U B L I C A N law. It mandated even more profits to private healthcare mafia I mean insurance companies. It's socialism for the rich. M4A drops the middlemen and lets you pick your doctor and you won't have to worry about copays, deductibles, out of pockets, are you covered for this or that, is your caregiver in network etc.

reeeee someone with an education disagrees with my high school dropout opinions reeee

Whereas Absent hides and ignores ALL opinions he doesn't like. Not exactly a strong argument from a strong person or mind.

Lets just do some basic math on FEELZ vs. REALZ to see who is more full of shit.

Let you know them mathematics and numbers spot the lies and deceptions for us so we don't have to........

There are 330 Million people in this country (approx, god knows how many illegals)

United States Population (2020) - Worldometer

Medicare in 2020 will cost you, i mean us, as in :flag:, around $458 per month, per person (at todays price

Medicare costs at a glance | Medicare
If you buy Part A, you'll pay up to $458 each month in 2020.

330 M x $458 is over 150 Billion a month.

or 1.8 Trillion a year

and this doesn't include Medicare Part B for prescriptions etc. So this is yet again a best case numbers for your argument (not mine).

Considering we already run that much of a budget deficit each and every year now........this would just about double it.

this isn't a new or shocking observation either

California’s single-payer plan costs $400 billion — twice the state’s entire budget - Vox

I mean I hope these sauces aren't too right wing for you.

So Cali didn't even go as full retard as you are asking of us

California moves toward healthcare for more, not yet healthcare for all TechCrunch
Universal health care in California: $17 billion a year, says one estimate - SFChronicle.com

just further down the hole

even the CA GOV (GREWSOM) knows you can't go full retard


even Bernie knew that until he sounded too moderate for his Bolshevik radical followers (and hence became open borders, as opposed to saying he knows we can't give the entire planet everything they need medically)

We clearly can't afford what we already have (hence the Trillion dollar deficits) but you are demanding we take on more. So much more and so is Bernie who ironically couldn't handle the VA without endless PR and logistics disasters.

And there we go........facts not feels

reals not feels......sorry so sorry but thanks for playing where opinions don't matter

them math and numbers are real deal

many analysts admit and say taxes would have to go up a min of 20% more per person to even begin to implement this idea

FY 2019 Federal Budget: Summary of Revenue and Spending

The Office of Management and Budget estimated that revenue will be $3.438 trillion

Almost half of the FY 2019 revenue of $3.422 trillion comes from income taxes. They contribute $1.698 trillion. Payroll taxes are $1.242 trillion and include Social Security and Medicare taxes. Corporate taxes add $216 billion, contributing just 7% to the total revenue. The corporate contribution was brought down from 9% in FY 2016 by

1.8 trillion new Medicare for ALL spending/3.438 trillion current tax revenue= ~50%......so they have to be already discounting the current # of people on it (which I didn't get into here)

Would ‘Medicare for All’ Save Billions or Cost Billions?

and here are many many more opinions showing all kinds of ranges on what this will cost us.....

which have a lot more effort put into it than some chick off twitter who works at Yale.
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AOC is a fundraising machine. Must be irritating that she's a stubborn, narcissistic egomaniac incapable of compromise within the democrat party.