T1 - Simple CG Script that my sorry ass can't make


Veteran XV
Hey Peeps,

I have always played with high sensitivity, but sometimes, chaining from a distance with high sensitivity isn't the greatest.

Can anyone help me make a simple CG script where when my Chaingun is selected my sensitivity comes down?

I made this 7 years ago, it only took a few lines, but then again, it was 7 years ago, I forgot how to play tribes too now.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


When your chaingun is selected or when you pull the trigger with your chaingun selected? What config do you use?
I don't really know what config I use, I was playing tribes before Stripped came out, I like what I have, a mix of everything from presto to cowboy to writer to poop,

You propose a good question Lemon, if I want it when chain is selected or when chain is firing,

I wouldn't mind your expertise on this question, I think when firing is probably best, but is it possible to put that option into the script as well?

thanks dude for even the reply, at least someone is here :)
I'll dig through my stuff and see if I have anything someone else already made for presto. If you send me a copy of your config folder I can test it before I send it to you.

Open your config.cs and find the fire button bind. If it looks different than this one you'll have to make it work with existing script. Otherwise it'll be pretty simple.
bindAction(mouse0, make, button0, TO, IDACTION_FIRE1);
bindAction(mouse0, break, button0, TO, IDACTION_BREAK1);
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not exactly what you want but mayb it helps, this will rebind your left mouse button to use this function which checks if your currently mounted weapon is the chaingun and then, if it's the chaingun change your fov to a lower value, aka zoom

$pref::usechainfov = "True":
$pref::chainfov = "85";
function AF::On()
	if(getMountedItem(0) == 13 && $pref::usechainfov)	
                $temp::PlayerFov = $pref::PlayerFov;
		$pref::PlayerFov = $pref::chainFov;

	postAction(2048, IDACTION_FIRE1, 1);

function AF::Off()
	postAction(2048, IDACTION_BREAK1, 1);
	$pref::PlayerFov = $temp::PlayerFov;
bindCommand(mouse0, make, button0, TO, "AF::On();");
bindCommand(mouse0, break, button0, TO, "AF::Off();");

it might break some functionality, no idea if your script usually triggers events or calls important functions.
hey thanks lemon, thanks greyhound,

Hey lemon, that code aint in my config.cs, so I guess this is gonna be tougher,

email me at mani@liquid-one.com and ill fire off my config folder to you, mind u, it is a mess, hah...

best way to start is determine exactly what you use.

Full force mine/nades
ski script
flag hud
*ammo hud
*kill pop
*auto waypoint (target enemy/friendly flag carrier etc)
*auto favorites

figure out exactly what you use and get rid of the rest.

if you want to email i can help you slim it down and make things run a little less cluttered :O

for example all i use is:

flag hud

I am trying to strip it down even more and get rid of the flag hud and just use some icons or something.

so yea....
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