nsfw white females in tight dresses

That's Jennifer nicole lee. She's a fucking unclassy filthy attention whore. Mitch is right

mitch is a fat ex-pat rot toofed brit in Dubai who believes in localized slavery which is ok because no one pays much attention to it.

I often wonder what makes some losers come to TW especially since it was after the heyday of tribes.
cuz they need a place to vent, and you can't say a lot of things in real life unless you're in some fuked up cult
I saw a video where a white chick was making a serious statement about why she dates black guys. Her response? She said "Black guys and Mexicans tend to wear cologne. I find that really attractive."

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they have to wear cologne though

otherwise they smell like tapatío sauce and cocoa butter

not sure what is so sexy about spraying smell on something that otherwise reeks.

those thighs win this thread.

You think so? Think about this for a minute.

You are in the sack lying on your back with a nice boner. Nicole Mejia comes naked around the corner. She looks at you with sultry eyes. You fall back onto the pillows as if her gaze had weight.

She climbs up slowly from the bottom of the bed and sits on your hard pole. She puts her hands on your shoulders and then begins to thrust. Two seconds later your dick gets snapped off and she begins to laugh. She pulls your flaccid member from her pussy and hangs it on her necklace with all the other snapdick trophies.